MW命名000 001 002之尾数解决方法
打开UGS\NX 3.0\MOLDWIZARD\mold_defaults文件,找到下面的地方将红色的删除再保存就行了
! The rules are interpreted as follows:
! 1. The part name is formed by combining a series of variables and characters.
! 2. All alphanumeric characters are valid excluding '\', '/', '"', '*', ':', '|'
! "?", "<" and ">".
! 3. Words contained between "<" and ">" such as <PROJECT_NAME> are variables.
! 4. The "?" character is an incrementing or user defined variable.
! 5. The standard variables are:
! "PROJECT_NAME" (set during project initialization)
! "TEMPLATE_NAME" (the name of the template part being cloned)
[ 本帖最后由 lys721110 于 2005-12-9 16:23 编辑 ] |