有局部改进,请下免顶,这段时间较忙,以后会继续修全MW库参数…… AP_off A-Plate offset for parting gap (redundant in universal) mold_l Mold length in X axis
BCP_w Bottom clamp plate width mold_w Mold width in Y axis
BCP_h Bottom clamp plate thickness mv Moldbase levels of moving (core) plates
BP_off B-Plate offset for parting gap (redundant in universal) rb Moldbase levels of reverse ejection box plates
CP_w Spacer plate width ret_pin Return pin
EB Ejector box plates thicknesses ret_sprg Return spring (on return pin)
EJA Ejector retainer plate thickness (redundant in universal) rp Moldbase levels of reverse ejector plates
EJB_off Ejector push plate level (used for ej pins) scr Screws
EJP_w Ejector plate width scr_bi Screw to attach b insert
EP Ejector plate thicknesses scr_a Clamp-plate to A-plate screw
EP_h Ejector plate thicknesses scr_ai Cavity insert screw
EP_r_h Ejector retainer plate thickness (redundant in universal) scr_b Core-plate to EJ housing screws
FX Fixed (cavity) plates thicknesses scr_bi Core insert screw
IN Injection plates thicknesses scr_c EJ support plate to EJ retainer plate screws
MV Moving (core) plates thicknesses scr_asy1 Assembly screw attaches B plate to support plate
RB Reverse ejection box plates thicknesses scr_asy2 Assembly screw holds EJ plates against return springs
RP Reverse ejection plates thicknesses scr_strpr Screw attaching stripper plate to return pins
SP Support plate thicknesses (redundant in universal) shldr_a Shoulder screw (head-up) from A-clamp plate to X plate
SP_h Support plate thicknesses (redundant in universal) shldr_b Shoulder screw (head-down) from A plate to X plate
TCP_h Top clamp plate thickness shldr_c Shoulder screw (head-down) from B plate to A plate
cfg Plate configuration (see plate configuration sheet) spr Sprue bushing
dwl_t_a Tubular dowel to align A clamp plate with A plate spt Support columns or pillars
dwl_t_b Tubular dowel to align B plate with EJ housing st Moldbase levels of stripper plates
dwl_a1 Dowel to align A clamp plate with A plate stp Stop buttons
dwl_b1 Dowel to align B plate to support plate strp_pin Stripper guide pin
dwl_b2 Dowel to align support plate to EJ rails strp_bsh Stripper guide bushing
dwl_b3 Dowel to align EJ rails to EJ clamp plate
eb Moldbase levels of ejection box plates
ep Moldbase levels of ejector plates
fx Moldbase levels of fixed (cavity) plates
gd_pin Guide pin
gd_bsh Guide bushing cavity plate (A series mold)
gd_bsh_a1 Guide bushing for cavity plate (three plate mold)
gd_bsh_a2 Guide bushing for AX plate (three plate mold)
gd_bsh_b1 Guide bushing for B series mold
gej Guided ejection
in Moldbase levels of injection plates
ko Knock out (holes in EJ clamp plate)
loc Parting locks