11. newdeal design -- Brand building product design
12. Cesaroni Design设计公司 -- 一间传统性强,基础稳固的工业设计公司,除了大型机具,健身用品,医疗器材之外,近年来藉由消费性电子产品获得不少奖项。客户包括Zebra,GE,Dixon等知名公司
13. Definitive Design -- Definitive Design is a leading innovator in product development. We offer industrial design and engineering solutions for the consumer, telecommunication, medical and industrial product marketplaces. Industry-specific research, focused concept development, value engineering, state-of-the-art prototyping, and rapid tooling technologies drive our customer's success.
14. Metaform Product Development -- Metaform Product Development is an award-winning, San Francisco/Silicon Valley based industrial design / product development company bringing innovation and market appeal to manufactured goods. Metaform's founder is Chinese American and interested in working with Chiense manufacturers.
15. Design Central -- Design Central's team is comprised of a broad spectrum of development professionals, from user-interface developers, engineers, and product designers to human factors specialists and visual communication designers.
16. 设计连续 -- Design Continuum specializes in holistic, user-focused design. and development. We offer user research, design strategy, proprietary form development, and full mechanical and electrical engineering. Through our interdisciplinary practice, we provide clients with innovative products and business strategies. Continuum serves distinguished clients such as Procter and Gamble, Samsung, and Master Lock. Studios are located in Boston, San Francisco, Milan and Seoul.
17. Designworks/USA -- Designworks/USA is an internationally recognized consultancy that specializes in automative, transportation and product design.
18. 费奥利设计开发 -- Fiori helps leading companies develop powerful connections with consumers through insightful and innovative research, award winning design, and refreshingly usable interaction strategies.
19. 布勒克设计集团 -- Bleck Design Group provides award winning industrial design and mechanical engineering for electronic and computer manufacturers. |