答:UG在FREE FORM FEATURE中有由点云直接生成曲面的功能,另外,UG16中另有专门进行逆向工程的模块。我认为搞逆向工程比较好的还是SURFACER,在IDEAS7中就带有SURFACER9,IDEAS8中带SURFACER10。说实话,UG我不熟。不能给您一个对比。不过就UG的定向来看,应该是和PRO/E同功能的软件,可能不适合做逆向。而CDRS是专业做曲面的,虽然它不是主推逆向工程,但是我用的感觉是用CDRS做逆向可以比PRO/E快至少3倍。
25、In drawing mode, when I try not to display tangent edge line in standard 2-D view, they dispeared in whole drawing, So Can you tell me how to erase tangent edge line in 2-D view drawing but the tangent edge line display in 3-D view ?
答:THE COMMAND IS VIEW/DISP MODE/VIEW DISP THEN SELECT THE VIEW。First Select View-Disp Mode-View Disp, then select the view,choose No Disp Tan.
a. 先用autocad排列大致的元器件装配空间位置。
b. 再用photoshp or coreldraw 绘制平面效果图。
c. 确定后再在autocad中调整尺寸及零件分割。
答:看一下你的提示是不是"CAN NOT REDEFINE READONLY FEATURE",如果是的话可能是被设为只读了,可以在READ ONLY菜单下用CLEAN清除,就可以编辑了。
52.I had a trouble, which is when I merge more than two surface at same time,after finished the manipulation,it always megered the primary surface and the last one I selected.If I do it one by one,it'd waste my precious time.So I beg you would help me to solve this problem.
答:You can not merge more the 2 surface at same time.
答:views---add views---projcection--full view--section---no scale---done local---total xsec---done then like draw a section then pick a center point and draw a spline. try it . and you'd better buy a book. it is basic.
答:the qestion is fuzzy.do you have file. email to me vagrant_lyc@sina.com you can use intent manager to draw a shape like what you want. then use contstain and modify the value. the other thing is that if you are a new hand, do not draw too complex draft in one step. jut step by step.
答:That's possible,but you can not use it to make a 3-d model. as I know you must in sketch. and you can import dxf files. but it is very bad for complex drawing.once you constain it. there is many problem. I suggest you do not use it. you can import dwg file in format mode. but only the line can be import.it is imported as border