ERROR: The simulation is terminating at time = 0.0.
ADAMS can not solve the equations of motion because the mechanism has
"locked up." At least one constraint can no longer be satisfied.
ADAMS is unable to satisfy the constraint for: JOINT MODEL_2.JOINT_23 .
ERROR: Symbolic refactorization failed. The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 0.0.
WARNING: On iteration 1, the Jacobian matrix for the initial values of
the displacements (for the assembly analysis) is singular, a condition
usually caused by over specification of EXACT coordinates. Since
ADAMS/Solver employs a penalty-function method to assemble the mechanism,
the approach becomes less effective as more and more EXACT initial
conditions are specified. If the user labels too many initial values
as EXACT, the Jacobian matrix can become ill-conditioned or even
singular. Although the analysis will continue, the simulation could
fail or produce inaccurate results due to inconsistent initial conditions.