本帖最后由 qianghu123 于 2017-8-30 13:32 编辑
WorkNC CAD/CAM ensures a precision subcontractor provides both accurate quotes and quality parts with no surface finish faults, to their customers. Without it, Aravis Precision say they would only have half their current turnover. WorkNC CAD/CAM确保了精密分包商为客户提供精准的报价和高表面品质的零部件产品。Aravis Precision说,如果没有WorkNC他们的营业额只有现在的一半。 General Manager Marc Genans-Boiteux says it’s essential that their components are absolutely perfect, especially those for the aeronautical industry. 总经理Marc Genans-Boiteux说完美的组件是至关重要的,尤其是在航空业。 Aravis installed WorkNC when the company was founded 15 years ago, and use it to manufacture a wide range of parts and mould tools for automotive, sports, mechanical construction, industrial maintenance and aeronautics clients. Aravis在15年前成立便已安装了WorkNC,并用它为汽车、运动、机械制造、工业维护、航空等领域客户制造各种零件和 模具工具。
Operating from 600 square metre premises in Thônes, France, with nine employees, Aravis use WorkNC to program a recently-acquired 5-axis DMG DMF180 CNC machine, along with two Hurco 30s and 3-axios VMX 42S, and a 3-axis Mazak Nexus 410A with a 4th axis. Aravis在法国Thônes有600平米的厂房,9个员工。WorkNC被用来配套一台最近购置的5轴德玛吉DMF180 数控加工中心、两台赫克Hurco 30s和3-axios VMX 42S和一台带第四轴的3轴马扎克Mazak Nexus 410A机床。 5轴德玛吉DMF
VMX30i Mazak Nexus 410A In addition to his General Manager and Sales Manager roles, Marc Genans-Boiteux programs the5-axis toolpathsand looks after machining complex parts. Marc Genans-Boiteux除了充当总经理和销售经理的角色外,还负责5轴刀路的编程以及复杂零部件的加工。
WorkNC, from Vero Software, is vital in two totally different domains – creating accurate quotes and machining the parts. He imports all customer files into WorkNC, and as he is responsible for producing quotes he programs the toolpaths according to part complexity, for WorkNC’s simulation feature to determine the machining time. 来自Vero Software的WorkNC,在两个不同的领域起着至关重要的作用——建立精准的报价和加工零件。他把所有的客户文件导入WorkNC,并根据零件的复杂度对刀具路径进行编程、通过WorkNC的模拟功能来确定加工时间,从而进行报价。
“This is used as the basis for our quotes. We’re a small company and can’t afford a mistake on pricing a job. Thanks to information provided by WorkNC regarding machining times and tooling, I can give an accurate quote, making sure we don’t lose money on jobs we undertake.” “加工时间是我们的报价基础,我们是一家小公司,承担不起报价错误的风险。非常感谢WorkNC提供确切的加工时间,使得我能做出精准的报价,确保我们不在承包的项目上造成经济损失。” Firstly, he uses the bounding box function for part volume and raw material requirements. Then he creates the3- or 5-axis toolpaths, according to the part’s complexity, and runs the machining simulation to determine cycle times. 使用WorkNC时,首先,他使用包围盒功能创建毛坯,然后根据零件的复杂程度,生成3轴或5轴刀具路径,再进行加工模拟仿真决定时间周期。
“After that, I check the required tool length indicated inWorkNC, which allows me to identify the required cutting tools and calculate the price of the job. Based on raw material requirements, the most suitable machining sequence and tooling, along with preparation and machining time estimates, I can give an accurate quote to the customer.” 其次,根据原材料需求、最适合的工艺和装夹、然后在WorkNC里检查所需刀长,来确定切削刀具,预估加工准备和加工时间,计算出成本,从而给客户提供精准的报价。
Once the contract is awarded, he uses his extensive knowledge of WorkNC to optimise machining by finalising feed rates and other parameters. Then part production begins on the machine, and he is assisted on the shopfloor by workshop foreman Ludovic Perrillat, who is now beginning to use WorkNC’s 5-axis functionality. 一旦签订合同,他利用他对WorkNC的广泛了解,通过优化进给率和其他参数,然后在现在开始使用WorkNC5轴功能的车间领班Ludovic Perrillat的协助下生产零件。
Their most frequently used toolpaths are the standard roughing strategies, Z-level finishing, and optimised Z-level finishing. “Thanks to the quality of the rapid and reliable finishing toolpaths, the part requires very few further conventional milling phases.” 他们在编辑刀具路径时最常用的是标准的粗加工策略,等高精加工和最佳化等高精加工等高精加,由于WorkNC高品质的高效可靠的精加工刀具路径,零件很少需要进行再精加工的铣削阶段。
Before acquiring the 5-axis DMG Mori Seiki machine in September 2014, Aravis produced straightforward standard parts using 4-axis strategies. Using this latest machine, programmed with WorkNC, they manufacture new products almost daily, including single or small series parts which require specific production processes with new machining sequences and new tooling equipment.” 在2014年9月购买德玛吉5轴DMG Mori Seiki 设备之前,Aravis使用4轴策略生产简单的标准部件。现在使用这台最新的机器,用WorkNC进行编程,几乎每天都生产新的产品,包括需要新的加工工序和新的加工设备的特定的单个或者小系列零件的生产。 A steering column for a Grand Prix Moto2 motorbike chassis is a perfect example of how this has revolutionised the way they work. “It’s a particularly complex component, and on 3-axis machines it required eight operations and additional finishing. But using WorkNC on the 5-axis DMG it only requires two machining operations and the surface finish is of a remarkably high standard. 如何彻底改变加工方式, moto2大奖赛的摩托车底盘转向柱是一个很好的例子,它是一个特别复杂的组件,在3轴设备上加工它需要8个操作步骤以及需要多次精加工,但是用WorkNC编程在5轴的德玛吉DMG上加工只需要2个操作步骤且它的表面品质能达到相当高的标准。 “WorkNC is absolutely vital for this. We simply couldn’t manufacture these parts without it. It’s the core element of our manufacturing capability and allows us to work double shifts. WorkNC无疑是绝对重要的,如果没有它我们根本不可能制造这些零部件。WorkNC是我们制造力的核心元素,有了它我们还可以双班制工作。
“I have made sure WorkNC was installed at all the companies I’ve worked for, and it was absolutely the perfect choice when I set up Aravis Precision, and meant we were able to start machining immediately. If Aravis Precision didn’t have WorkNC today, we would only have half the current turnover.”
我非常肯定我工作过的公司都在使用WorkNC。当我成立Aravis Precision公司采购CAM软件时,毫无疑问WorkNC是绝佳的选择,这意味着我们可以立即开始加工。如果没有WorkNC,我们的营业额只会有现在的一半。