以下代码我在简体系统下,控制面板中修改了语言区域导出,看能不能转换正常。- 'PYCZT2018/5/26下载于https://www.codestack.net,2018/6/11修改
- 'This macro renames all the features in active model in the order, preserving the base names.
- '该宏按顺序重命名活动模型中的所有特征名,保留原基本名称。
- 'Only indices are renamed and the base name is preserved. For example Sketch21 will be renamed to Sketch1 for
- 'the first appearance of the sketch feature.
- '只有索引被重命名,基本名称被保留。例如,对于第一次出现的草图特性Sketch21将被重命名为Sketch1.
- 'Notes注意事项:
- '1.Only features with number at the end will be renamed (e.g. Front Plane will not be renamed to Front Plane1 and My1Feature will not be renamed)
- '只在结尾处有编号的特征将被重命名(例如,Front Plane不会被重命名为Front Plane1,以及My1Feature也不会被重命名)---因为正则表达式为开始(任意字符)(任意数字)结束
- '2.Case is ignored (case insensitive search)
- '大小写是忽略的
- '3.Only modelling features are renamed (the ones created after the Origin feature)
- '只重命名建模用的特征名(在原点特征之后的)
- '*****************************************************************
- Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
- Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
- Sub main()
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- Dim passedOrigin As Boolean '定义一个过原点的逻辑变量
- passedOrigin = False
- If Not swModel Is Nothing Then
- Dim featNamesTable As Object
- Dim processedFeats As Collection ' 定义为记录集合类(Collection)。
- Set featNamesTable = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") '变量为字典Dictionary对象
- Set processedFeats = New Collection
- featNamesTable.CompareMode = vbTextCompare '比较模式为字符串(不分大小写)
- Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature
- Set swFeat = swModel.FirstFeature
- While Not swFeat Is Nothing
- If passedOrigin Then
- Debug.Print swFeat.Name
- If Not Contains(processedFeats, swFeat) Then '比对特征记录集合与特征
- processedFeats.Add swFeat '将特征增加到记录集合中
- RenameFeature swFeat, featNamesTable '改名子程序
- End If
- Dim swSubFeat As SldWorks.Feature
- Set swSubFeat = swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature '子特征
- While Not swSubFeat Is Nothing
- If Not Contains(processedFeats, swSubFeat) Then
- processedFeats.Add swSubFeat
- RenameFeature swSubFeat, featNamesTable
- End If
- Set swSubFeat = swSubFeat.GetNextSubFeature
- Wend
- End If
- If swFeat.GetTypeName2() = "OriginProfileFeature" Then
- OriginName = swFeat.Name '预留原点特征名,以后使用
- passedOrigin = True
- End If
- Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature
- Wend
- '以下语名为已顺序的特征名去除后缀$
- Set swFeat = swModel.FeatureByName(OriginName)
- While Not swFeat Is Nothing
- Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature
- If Not swFeat Is Nothing Then
- If Right(swFeat.Name, 1) = "[ DISCUZ_CODE_0 ]quot; Then swFeat.Name = Left(swFeat.Name, Len(swFeat.Name) - 1) '去除后缀$
- End If
- Wend
- Else
- MsgBox "Please open model请打开模型文件"
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub RenameFeature(feat As SldWorks.Feature, featNamesTable As Object)
- Dim regEx As Object
- Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") '创建正则表达式(RegEx)对象
- regEx.Global = True '设置全程匹配
- regEx.IgnoreCase = True '设置忽略区分大小写
- regEx.Pattern = "(.+?)(\d+)[ DISCUZ_CODE_0 ]quot; '设置正则表达式:开始(任意字符)(任意数字)结束
- Dim regExMatches As Object
- Set regExMatches = regEx.Execute(feat.Name) '用于对指定正则表达式进行匹配检测,其值返回一个Matches集合,其中
- '包含了所有检测到匹配的Match对象。如果没有检测到任何匹配则返回一个空的Matches集合
- If regExMatches.Count = 1 Then
- Debug.Print regExMatches(0)
- If regExMatches(0).SubMatches.Count = 2 Then 'SubMatches数量为2,说明符合正则表达式
- ' SubMatches 集合包含了单个的子匹配字符串,只能用 RegExp 对象的 Execute 方法创建。
- 'SubMatches 集合的属性是只读的。运行一个正则表达式时,当圆括号中捕捉到子表达式时可以有零个或多个子匹配。
- 'SubMatches 集合中的每一项是由正则表达式找到并捕获的的字符串。
- Dim baseFeatName As String
- baseFeatName = regExMatches(0).SubMatches(0) '取正则表达式的第一个子匹配字符串,也就是基本特征名
- 'Debug.Print baseFeatName
- Dim nextIndex As Integer
- If featNamesTable.Exists(baseFeatName) Then '如果指定的键(基本特征名)存在,返回True,否则返回False,
- nextIndex = featNamesTable.item(baseFeatName) + 1 'Items() 返回该键的条目数,增1
- featNamesTable.item(baseFeatName) = nextIndex '将条目数赋值,即特征顺序号
- Else
- nextIndex = 1
- featNamesTable.Add baseFeatName, nextIndex '增加键到字典Dictionary,条目数为1
- End If
- feat.Name = baseFeatName & nextIndex & "[ DISCUZ_CODE_0 ]quot; '原宏没有增加$后缀,可能造成改名失败
- Debug.Print "已改名为:" & feat.Name
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Function Contains(coll As Collection, item As Object) As Boolean '(比对processedFeats特征记录集合与swFeat是否相同,以免子特征改名重复)
- Dim i As Integer
- Debug.Print "特征记录集合数量为" & coll.Count '记录集合数量
- For i = 1 To coll.Count
- Debug.Print "比对" & item.Name & " " & i
- Debug.Print
- If coll.item(i) Is item Then '记录中特征相同
- Contains = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- Contains = False
- End Function