david_wang2004 wrote:
nimuil,很高兴认识一个专业背景相似的朋友, 觉得你设计速度挺快的,我这边最快都要好几天。我琢磨的很久:
首先: 1 要自己建产品的3D模型或修补客户的模型,并加上合适的分模角度,有时还要劈面,按两个相反的方向拔锥。很费时间。(至少一个上午)
2 分模得到CAV和CORE,有时产品要补面,补实体什么的,有时还会有一些小碎面,也很费时。(半天到一天吧)
3 加模架,浇口套,流道,顶针,水道,弹簧什么的。因为要反复调整,所以也至少要半天或一天。
1. 以前经常遇到补面的情况,也就是常常拿到(我用英文写可以吗?我的汉字输入速度太过滥了。) files in igs format. If failure to sew the faces, then will big headache--lucky I’m very familiar with Rhino, who plays srfs better than UG. Now my customer’s products dwg mostly are in UG, parasolid, or step format, so I don’t have your re-modeling problem. But why not try to ask your customer to supply the dwg in solid format? You know, if the original dwg is 2d and need to convert to 3d, or not a solid format, we will charge them a lot. Yes you are correct, it’s better to put the draft angle before separate the parting line, it’s worth to take half day or more to do so. Otherwise you’ll be suffering in synchronizing the cavity and core, ha ha.
2. If the surface patch too complex, or the edge patch doesn’t work, may discuss with customer try to modify the design, otherwise, the fitting will have problem—many product designer don’t know the mould. I prefer the solid patch, a very smart tool compared with other software.
3. Why it’ll take u long time to select the mould base? Sometime I just select anyhow one, later can change anytime. I just spend 5 mins on locating ring and sprue bushing, standard parts only, don’t u have ur own library? Runner very easy, MW offer u so many choices. I always select the spring first, then ej pin, then cooling system, then screw. Having ug MB, I don’t think putting EJ pin will take long time, select WCS_XY, then roughly locate ur WCS, then click the absolute and round the X,Y value, then, okay ready!
Enjoy urself. |