应该是设置的问题吧:The remainder of the variables are defined in this file and are divided
# into the following sections:
# DISK FILES - variables relating to *.ugf files that are used.
# MODELING - variables relating to modeling
# MACHINING - variables relating to machining products
# CGM - variables relating to the CGM product
# ERROR and HELP - variables relating to error and help files
# USER FUNCTION - variables relating to user function
# MISCELLANEOUS - miscellaneous variables used by unigraphics
# USER EXITS - variables relating to user exits.
# SMD - variables relating to sheet metal design
# ROUTING - variables relating to the UG/Routing product
# GRIP BATCH - variables relating to grip batch
# DISPLAY DRIVERS - variables relating to the display drivers
# PLOTTER - variables relating to plotter configuration.
# TRANSLATORS - translators & process specific applications.
# SCENARIO - variables relating to the SCENARIO product
# MACHINE DEPENDENT - variables with platform specific settings.
# Some variables do not need to be set, the code has a default value. These
# variables will be commented out using the "#" sign. If you assign a local
# value you must uncomment the line.