KnowledgeInterfaces Interface CATICkeSheet
Usage: an implementation of this interface is supplied and you must use it as is. You should not reimplement it.
interface CATICkeSheet
This interface is an encapsulation of an array of arrays (a sheet) of strings contained in a file.
Role: This file can be an excel sheet, a lotus sheet or a tabulated text file.The format of the text file
has to be : string1 (tab) string2 etc
... (n lines)
stringN (tab) stringN+1 etc
Empty strings are allowed, but not in the first row because the number of columns is computed using the first row.
For design table use, the file is parsed until its end or until the first empty row is found.
If you use sheets of format Excel or Lotus, be careful not to leave Excel or Lotus process resident in memory (take care of SetCell arguments)
See also:
See also:
Method Index
o Cell(int,int)
Gets the cell r,c.
o ChangeSourceFile(CATUnicodeString&)
This method is used to change the source file.
o Column(int)
Gets the column c of the sheet.
o Columns()
Gets the number of columns in the sheet.
o CompareAndUpdateFileDate()
Compares the date of file from which data are imported with the date set as attribute and updates this attribute.
o CopyMode()
Returns the value of the CopyMode_ attribute.
o CreateSourceFile(CATUnicodeString&)
Creates a file for future sheet.
o ExportContentToFile(CATUnicodeString&,int)
This method export all the sheet content to a Text, an Excel or a Lotus file.
o GetCallbackCommand()
Gets the associated command that sends the Ole doc.
o GetFileDateChangedNotification()
Do not use.
o GetOrientation()
Returns the orientation of the sheet.
o GetSourceFilePath()
Returns the path and name of the file from which data are imported.
o GetSourceFormat()
This method allows to know the format of the linked file.
o GetSourceStatus()
This method is used to know the status of the source file.
o IsFileModified(CATUnicodeString&,CATUnicodeString&)
Indicates if the file has been modified.
o LaunchEditor()
Launchs the sheet editor.
o Row(int)
Gets the row r of the sheet.
o Rows()
Gets the number of rows in the sheet.
o SetCell(int,int,CATUnicodeString&,CATCke::Boolean,CATCke::Boolean)
Sets the content of the cell (r,c) in the sheet and saves the sheet if lastCell = True.
o SetCopyMode(CATCke::Boolean)
Sets the CopyMode_ attribute.
o SetOrientation(int)
Sets the orientation of the sheet.
o SetSourceFilePath(CATUnicodeString&)
Sets the path of the ascii file containing the data.
o UpdateLocalCopy(int,int)
Performs analysis of the sheet.
o UpdateLocalCopyFromSpec()
Does the same work as UpdateLocalCopy.
o WhichColumn(int,CATUnicodeString&)
Gets the index of the column where the sheet takes the value of columnContent in the row r.
o WhichRow(int,CATUnicodeString&)
Gets the index of the row where the sheet takes the value of rowContent in the column c.
Enumerated Type Index
o SourceFormat
o SourceStatus
o Cell
public virtual const CATUnicodeString& Cell( const int r,
const int c) const = 0
Gets the cell r,c.
the content of the cell r,c. An empty cell if coordinates are wrong
the row of the wanted cell (1-based)
the column of the wanted cell (1-based)
o ChangeSourceFile
public virtual CATCke::Boolean ChangeSourceFile( const CATUnicodeString& path) = 0
This method is used to change the source file. The type of the file must be the same as the old one...(excel <-> excel, text file <-> text file). This method only changes the source file : it doesn't update the content of the sheet (no call to UpdateLocalCopy)
False if the method fails
the path of the new source file
o Column
public virtual const CATListOfCATUnicodeString* Column( const int c) = 0
Gets the column c of the sheet.
const CATListOfCATUnicodeString* : this list must not be destroyed and doesn't change until this method is called again. If c > Columns() returns NULL
the wanted column. 1-based Index
o Columns
public virtual int Columns( )const = 0
Gets the number of columns in the sheet.
the number of columns
o CompareAndUpdateFileDate
public virtual CATCke::Boolean CompareAndUpdateFileDate( )= 0
Compares the date of file from which data are imported with the date set as attribute and updates this attribute.
CATCke::False if dates are different
o CopyMode
public virtual CATCke::Boolean CopyMode( )const = 0
Returns the value of the CopyMode_ attribute.
o CreateSourceFile
public virtual CATCke::Boolean CreateSourceFile( const CATUnicodeString& path) = 0
Creates a file for future sheet. If the path contains the .xls extension, an excel file is created. If the file contains the .123 extension, a Lotus 123 sheet is created. Else, a text file is created
CATCke::False if the creation of the file fails
The path of the file to create
o ExportContentToFile
public virtual HRESULT ExportContentToFile( const CATUnicodeString& iFilePath,
int iReplaceFileIfExist) = 0
This method export all the sheet content to a Text, an Excel or a Lotus file.
The path of the file that will be created. If it contains : - ".xls", an excel file will be created - ".123", a Lotus file will be created else, a text file will be created. The link is not kept with the file (if you go on modifying the model sheet after exporting its content to a file, the file content will not be up to date with the model sheet content). The file is just a visible image of the sheet content at a given instant. Notice that this method will fail if you give the path of an existing file without setting the 2d argument to 1 or if the existing file access is not Read/Write.
If you give a path that corresponds to an existing file, you have to set it to 1 to force the file replacement (else this method will failed).By default, this argument is set to 0 in order to keep the existing file.
E_FAIL if the file creation or the file filling failed, and S_OK else.
o GetCallbackCommand
public virtual CATCommand * GetCallbackCommand( )= 0
Gets the associated command that sends the Ole doc. Close and modify notification If a client wants to receive this notification, he has to write :
AddCallback(sheet->GetCallbackCommand(), sheet->GetOleModifyAndCloseNotification(), (CATSubscriberMethod) &CATClientClass::OnSheetModification))
o GetFileDateChangedNotification
public virtual CATCallbackEvent GetFileDateChangedNotification( )= 0
Do not use.
o GetOrientation
public virtual int GetOrientation( )const = 0
Returns the orientation of the sheet.
1 for vertical columns and 0 for horizontal ones.
o GetSourceFilePath
public virtual CATUnicodeString GetSourceFilePath( )= 0
Returns the path and name of the file from which data are imported.
o GetSourceFormat
public virtual CATICkeSheet::SourceFormat GetSourceFormat( )= 0
This method allows to know the format of the linked file.
CATICkeSheet::Text if text file, CATICkeSheet::Excel if Excel file and CATICkeSheet: otus if Lotus 123 file. If no file is associated, or if the link is lost, returns CATICkeSheet::NoSource
o GetSourceStatus
public virtual CATICkeSheet::SourceStatus GetSourceStatus( )= 0
This method is used to know the status of the source file.
CATICkeSheet::NotFound if the file isn't found, CATICkeSheet::ReadOnly if the file is read-only, CATICkeSheet::ReadWriteOk if the file can be written to, CATICkeSheet::Empty if the file path is empty
o IsFileModified
public virtual int IsFileModified( CATUnicodeString& oOldDate,
CATUnicodeString& oNewDate) = 0
Indicates if the file has been modified.
1 if date stored in sheet feature is different from file one, 0 else.
o LaunchEditor
public virtual HRESULT LaunchEditor( )= 0
Launchs the sheet editor. Warning, the behaviour of this method is different for text files and Excel or Lotus 123 files :
its call is blocking for text files and not for other ones.
For Excel and Lotus 123 files, to be warned after Excel or Lotus 123 closure in case of a sheet modification, you have to put a callback on CATICkeOleSheet::GetOleModifyAndCloseNotification event.
S_OK if method succeeds, E_FAIL if method fails : for example, calling it on UNIX for an Excel based design table, or calling it on NT with Excel not installed
o Row
public virtual const CATListOfCATUnicodeString* Row( const int r) = 0
Gets the row r of the sheet.
const CATListOfCATUnicodeString* : this list mustn't be destroyed and doesn't change until this method is called again. If r > Rows() returns NULL
the wanted row. 1-based Index
o Rows
public virtual int Rows( )const = 0
Gets the number of rows in the sheet. It includes the columns titles row.
the number of rows
o SetCell
public virtual CATCke::Boolean SetCell( const int r,
const int c,
const CATUnicodeString& s,
CATCke::Boolean firstCell =1,
CATCke::Boolean lastCell =1) = 0
Sets the content of the cell (r,c) in the sheet and saves the sheet if lastCell = True. Returns CATCke::True if the function succeded, CATCke::False else
WARNING : for text files, this method has strong performance problems. Use CATICkeSheet::AddRow instead of SetCell to fix them
(1-based index) row parameter
(1-based index) column parameter
cell content
this flag has to be set to True if the SetCell function is called for the first time since UpdateLocalCopy method was called
this flag has to be set to True if the SetCell function is called for the last time until UpdateLocalCopy method is called
o SetCopyMode
public virtual void SetCopyMode( CATCke::Boolean mode) = 0
Sets the CopyMode_ attribute.
: if mode = True, performs a persistent copy of the content of the sheet It is useful to swap model from NT (Excel) to Unix
o SetOrientation
public virtual void SetOrientation( const int vertical) = 0
Sets the orientation of the sheet.
equal to 1 for vertical columns and 0 for horizontal ones.
o SetSourceFilePath
public virtual void SetSourceFilePath( const CATUnicodeString& path) = 0
Sets the path of the ascii file containing the data. The format of the file is tabulated.
The path to be set
o UpdateLocalCopy
public virtual CATCke::Boolean UpdateLocalCopy( const int forceWidth = 0,
const int forceHeight = 0) = 0
Performs analysis of the sheet. (parses the content of the sheet, updates the number of columns and rows)
this parameter mustn't be used in most cases : it forces the width (nb of columns) looked for (used in CATCkeImportServices to ensure that the columns of formulas and comments will be read). If forceWidth != 0, the nb of column will be >= forceWidth
the counterpart of forceWidth for the height of the sheet
CATCke::False if the parsing fails (empty sheet, no sheet, ...)
o UpdateLocalCopyFromSpec
public virtual CATCke::Boolean UpdateLocalCopyFromSpec( )= 0
Does the same work as UpdateLocalCopy. But with data taken from the model (if CopyMode_ is equal to True).
False if no data was put in the model (CopyMode_ = False)
o WhichColumn
public virtual int WhichColumn( const int r,
const CATUnicodeString& columnContent) = 0
Gets the index of the column where the sheet takes the value of columnContent in the row r.
the 1-based index of the searched column, 0 if not found
the row where the search is done
the string searched
o WhichRow
public virtual int WhichRow( const int c,
const CATUnicodeString& rowContent) = 0
Gets the index of the row where the sheet takes the value of rowContent in the column c.
the 1-based index of the searched row, 0 if not found
the column where the search is done
the string searched
Enumerated Types
o SourceFormat
enum SourceFormat {
o SourceStatus
enum SourceStatus {
This object is included in the file: CATICkeSheet.h
If needed, your should include the module: KnowledgeItf
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