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Assign Slope / Curvature
Opens the Assign Slope / Curvature Mode. Employs a slope handlebar icon tool to let you change the slope and curvature of a spline at a selected point. During spline creation, turning this option on displays a slope handlebar at the currently highlighted (that is, the last created) point handle. Until it is dismissed, splines you create with the Spline by Points dialog will continue to display point handles for newly created or edited splines, and you can use any of those handles with the slope handlebar. If you wish to change the slope or curvature of a preexisting spline, just select the spline to display its point handles, and then select one of the point handles on which to display the slope handlebar.
You can drag different controls on the slope handlebar to change the shape of the spline. Controls on the slope handlebar include Move Point, Change Slope, Change Curvature and Change Tangent Magnitude. These controls are depicted as arrowheads and small circles, depending on whether you are in wireframe or shaded mode (see the following figures).
Control Handles of the Spline by Points Slope Handlebar (Shaded View Top, Wireframe View Bottom)
Only the Move Point control can move a point. The other slope handlebar controls change slope and curvature.
Whenever point handles are displayed on a spline, you can use the Assign Slope / Curvature option to click on one, display the slope handlebar, and then change the slope and curvature at that point. Click the Create or Edit Points icon to turn off the slope handlebar.
If you display a curvature comb on the curve (Analysis—> Curve—> Combs), the length of the curvature handle is the same length of the curvature comb at the base point. If you change the scale of the curvature comb, the curvature handle length changes accordingly. Grabbing and dragging the curvature handle has the same effect as changing the curvature at the point.
Spline Curvature Comb and Slope Handlebar
You can also assign slope and curvature by copying it from another object:
Display the Slope Handlebar at a point on the spline, and click on the Change Slope or Change Curvature handle. The handle is highlighted (do not drag the handle).
Move the cursor over a curve or edge whose slope or curvature you want to match.
When the object pre-highlights, a marker displays next to it to signify that the tangent/curvature will be matched with the first selected object.
Click on the highlighted object to accept its slope or curvature.