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Assignment no.3---SOLIDWORKS API Programming
you are required to develop an API programs in Solidworks 2005 to solve a program in one of a number of categories:
1. constructing geometry for a part family
2. solving a design problem according to some pre-determined rules, e.g.
According to some mechanical science formula.
3. some time consuming, repetitive task that can be 'automated' by employing API
Please note the following:
1. Your program shoule demonstrate you understanding of API and parametric programming
2. Your program shoule require the minimum input, then make 'intelligent' decisions and, finally, construct geometric or other output.
3. Your program shoule, where appropriate, allow selection of preferred sizes only.
4. where appropriate,sizes shoule be constrained according to some predetermined rules.
5. Only logical input should be allowed, e.g. only a positive and non-zero value allowed for the length of an entity.
Turned parts
A series of programs could be developed that could assist in creating part files of turned components. Routines could be developed to creat common features found on turned parts:
1.Plain diameters
3.Hole on axis
4.internal and external threads
5.Holes in PCD
Several views could be created with as much of the feature creation being as automated as possible
Other suggestions
1. Soring manufacture: based on user input of spring parameters e.g. spring rate, tension spring etc. std. wire diameters should be used.
2. Fence production: Std. fence and special fence lengths. Post and complete assemblies.
3. Canopy: the Canopy surface area will be based upon exact user requests for length breadth and height. The nearest standard secional configuration above this should be selected and used. The canpoy will be supported by one post up to a certain span then two above this etc. The software should automatically quote for the product.
4. Terrain modelling: The software should take in information (e.g. in the form of curve files) from a spreadsheet. A solid model of terrain should the be produced.
5. Design a program that will produce a complex bottle with required internal volume given by the user based on user ipputs for max height or width. |