- In a working directory, copy the files for the FeatureBrowser example.
- Open up the VB .NET project (FeatureBrowser.vbproj) in Visual Studio .Net 2003.
- Add references to NXOpen.dll, NXOpenUI.dll, NXOpen.Utilities.dll.
To do this, click MB3 on "References" under the FeatureBrowser project in Solution
Explorer. Pick "Add Reference..." and then navigate to the location of the dlls.
These NX dlls can be found in the managed subdirectory under %UGII_ROOT_DIR%.
Find and highlight the library, click Select and then OK on the Add Reference form.
- Select the Build->Build Solution menu command.
- The executable will be placed in a subdirectory named "bin" under the working
directory after the build completes.
How to run the example
- Start up an NX3 session and open some parts.
- Go to File - Execute - NX Open. This will bring up the Execute User Function
dialog. Browse to the FeatureBrowser.exe location in the "bin" directory.
- Select the FeatureBrowser.exe executable and click OK. NOTE: you may have to
change the file type filter to *.exe to allow you to select the .exe file.