New restriction in Euroope on
★ Accident happen,from the report on July 1,2005-9-15
★ Found hazardous substance发现有毒物质
One Chemical laboratory found Hazardous substances in ALD-NORD’s
product,oen 1000Wangle mill with price as 12 Euro.This product has a good
power pertirmance;but was found 5 carcinogenous substances in cable, and
one allergenous substance in handle and shell
★ Story
About middle of june,2005,somebody found the strong chemical odor on
handle of ham,mer saled in ALDI-NORD,then the oroduct was sent to the
chemical lab for testing,The result was:found high concentration PAHs,Then
since this case,the angle mill had to send to chemical lab, also found
PAHs, so in the future, supervision department department will sample all
the suspicious product for testing.
★ What Are They?
★ PAHs are a group of chemicals that are formed the incomplete
burning of coal, oil and gas, garbage, or other organic substances.
多环芳烃是一组化学物质,他们是由未经完全燃烧的煤. 油和气. 垃圾. 或是其他有机物质形成的。
★ PAHs can be formed through natural processes or those related to
human activies
★ There are more than 100 different PAHs.Most PAHs do occur alone
in the environment. Rather they are found as mixtures of two or more PAHs
★ Thete can also be found substances such as crude
oil,coal,creosote,and road/rooging tar
★ Although unmetabolized PAHs can have toxic effects,the major
concern in animals is the ability of reactive metabolites to bind to
proteins and DNA.
★ Four,five and six ring PAHs have greater carcinogenic potential
than do two,three or seven ring PAHs.
K2:Suspected human carcinogen; Evidence from human and/or animal
studies,Strength of evidence together woth additional considerations.
Bwlow compounds are K2..
Benz[a]anthracene Chtysene Benzofluornthene Bdezo[k]fluoranthene
Benzo[a]pyrene Dibenz[a,h]anthracene
★ The addition of alkyl groups to PAHs enhances the carcinogenic
potential of these compounds.
★ PAHs in Products made of Rubber/caoutchouc/Plastic
★ They come from tar-oils,i.e.residues from oil refining,which are
added to the rubber as p;asticizers,This has the following background:
一 During the manufacturing of caourchouk the addition of fillinf
materials is profitable.lf a lot of filling marerial(usually calcium
sulphate)is used,the rubber turns hard.The material becomes softer
again,when mineral oils are added.
一 lf however instead of clean oils tar used, these ofien contain hidh
amounts of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which-as discussed before-are known
to be carcinogenic.
一 Products that may also contain these oils are for example tools with
rubber parts, personal safety equipment, wheels, furniture parts,
decoration articles, etc. Especially on using the from recycled wheel
产品含有这些油,例如有橡胶件的工具;个人防护用品,轮胎 ,家具部件等。特别是用回收的劣质轮胎的橡胶材料。
★ Limit of PAHs
★ Currently there are no specific legal limit values for the use
of PAHs anf\d tar oils in products in EU
★ For extender oils for the manufacturing of tyres(Proposal for an
EC-Directive…on the restriction of the use of certain PAHs in extender
oils and tyres,13.02.2004) PAH amounts are already demanded to be less
than 10 mg/kg.The limit value for oroducts with skin contact when used as
intended,should in our opinion be even lower.
★ How to do next?
Use the purified or cleaned mineral oil,and not to use the Tar Oil as the
additive of rubber.
用干净的纯的矿物油,不要用焦油作橡胶的添假剂 |