1.In the Options dialog box, select the Profiles tab and then select the user profile you are currently using.
2.Select Export and then enter a file name(*.arg) and location for the file. Choose OK to export the file.
3.Using text editing software, open the file(*.arg) you exported in step 2.
Search for the following: ScreenMenu. similar to the following:
"ScreenMenu.Position"="437 128 531 545"review background"=dword:00FFFFFF
Delete all of the lines that include the ScreenMenu text and save your changes.
4.In AutoCAD, select Import on the Profiles tab and select the file you edited in step 3.
5.In the Import Profile dialog box, specify a different profile name than the one you are currently using.
6.Choose Apply & Close to import the new profile. Select the new profile and then select Set Current to make the new profile current.
7.In the Options dialog box select the Display tab.
Select the Display Screen Menu check box and then choose Apply.
The screen menu will be docked to the right side of the application.