!-------------- General Settings ------------------------------------------------
!--------------MoldWizard Defaults File Path-------------------------------------
! Mold Preference Settings definition file
! An environment variable may be used to set the mold_defaults.def file path.
! Example: MOLDWIZARD_DEFAULTS_FILE=D:/moldwizard/mold_defaults.def
!-------------- Spread Sheet Data Format ----------------------------------------
! The MW_ExcelData varible specifies which spreadsheet files will be read
! by Mold Wizard modules that use databases.
! =0, Read data in Xess format.
! =1, Read data in Excel format.
MW_ExcelData: 1
!------------- Excel Application Path -------------------------------------------
! MoldWizard runs to the Excel application to perform translations, If
! MoldWizard cannot find the Excel path automatically it will follow the path
! defined in the MW_ExcelPath variable.
! Example: MW_ExcelPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
!------------- Excel Speadsheet Background Operation ----------------------------
! The MW_ExcelBackground variable defines how the Excel Spread sheet application
! will operate in relation to the Ungraphics session.
! =0, The Unigraphics session cannot be operated while Excel is open
! =1, The Unigraphics session can be operated while Excel is open
!MW_ExcelBackground: 1
!-------------- Project Initialization Options ----------------------------------
!---- Load WAVE Data option -----------------------------------------------------
!The MW_Load_WAVE_Data variable specifies the Load Option settings
! =0, Do not load WAVE data
! =1, Load WAVE data
MW_Load_WAVE_Data: 0
!---- Project Intialize Default Units -------------------------------------------
!The Project Initialize dialog allows either inch or metric units projects
!to be created for inch or metric product models.
!The MW_ProjectInitialUnit defines which unit type will be toggled in the
!Project Initialze dialog.
! =0, No default unit.
! =1, Metric unit as default
! =2, English unit as default
! =3, Plastic part unit as default
MW_ProjectInitialUnit: 3
!---- Default Project Path -----------------------------------------------------
! The Default Project Path variable can defines the default file path in the
! Project Initialize dialog.
! MW_ProjectPath: c:\temp
!---- Part Name Definition -----------------------------------------------------
!---- Part Naming Method (Standard or Custom) ----------------------------------
! The MW_ENABLE_CUSTOM_NAME option determines if parts the default file naming
! rules or custom naming rules will be used.
! ON = Use custom naming rules
! OFF = Use default naming rules
!---- Part Name Rule Definition ------------------------------------------------
! The MW_PART_NAME_RULE option determines the rules that will set the names of
! files that are cloned and renamed by moldwizard.
! Some naming rule samples are shown below:
! The rules are interpreted as follows:
! 1. The part name is formed by combining a series of variables and characters.
! 2. All alphanumeric characters are valid excluding '\', '/', '"', '*', ':', '|'
! "?", "<" and ">".
! 3. Words contained between "<" and ">" such as <PROJECT_NAME> are variables.
! 4. The "?" character is an incrementing or user defined variable.
! 5. The standard variables are:
! "PROJECT_NAME" (set during project initialization)
! "TEMPLATE_NAME" (the name of the template part being cloned)
! A Customized file to map template name
!MW_NAME_MAP_TEMPLATE_FILE: map_template_name.txt
! Use IMAN number (ON/OFF)
! = 0, DB_PART_NAME = DB_PART_NO, which is defined by name rules
! = 1, DB_PART_NO is defined by name rules, DB_PART_NAME is replaced by <TEMPLATE_NAME>
! = 2, DB_PART_NO is defined by unique IMAN number, DB_PART_NAME is defined by name rules
MW_IMAN_NameMethod: 0
! A customized variable to control how to find the folder
! = 0, Never do the searching, just returns the default container which is only one
! level under the home folder.
! = 1, Find the folder from the user root folder(home folder).
!-------------------Item Revision in TcEng-----------------------------------------
! The option MW_TCE_REVISION gives the capability to specify your own item revision
! when cloning parts, default is "A", or number as "0"
!---- Part Rename Dialog Display -----------------------------------------------
! The MW_DISPLAY_RENAME_DIALOG option determines if the part name mapping dialog
! will appear when new parts are added to a MoldWizard project.
! 1 = The dialog will automatically appear when a new part is added
! 0 = The dialog will not appear
!---- Maximum Character Number for Project Name --------------------------------
!The MW_ProjectNameNumber variable limits the number of characters allowed in
!the project name section of the project file names. Any characters longer than
!the specified maximum will be truncated.
MW_ProjectNameNumber: 11
!---------------- Mold Assembly Template File Path ----------------------------
! The Mold Assembly Template File Path defines the paths for the
! two template sub-assemblies: top level and product level
! The Default paths are:
! ${MOLDWIZARD_DIR}/pre_part/english/top.prt
! ${MOLDWIZARD_DIR}/pre_part/english/prod.prt
! Example:
! MW_MoldAssemblyInchTopTemplate: ${Any_environment_variable}/mold/english/top.prt
! MW_MoldAssemblyInchTopTemplate: d:\public\pre_part\english\yourname.prt
! MW_MoldAssemblyInchTopTemplate: /users/<path>/top_partname.prt
! MW_MoldAssemblyInchProductTemplate: /users/<path>/prod_partname.prt
! MW_MoldAssemblyMetricTopTemplate: /users/<path>/top_partname.prt
! MW_MoldAssemblyMetricProductTemplate: /users/<path>/prod_partname.prt
!-------------- Modeling Options ----------------------------------------------
!--------------Tolerance and Distance Units------------------------------------
! Defaults such as tolerances and distances such as workpiece offset
! are specified in a single value. The MW_DefaultsUnit variable specifies if
! those values are in inch or metric units and converts them accordingly.
MW_DefaultsUnit: Metric
!---------------Work Piece Offset --------------------------------------------
!The MW_WorkPieceOffset value specifies the minimum ammount that the calculated
!workpiece box will be larger (per side) than the product model.
MW_WorkPieceOffset: 2.500
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!------------------Work Piece Reference Point ---------------------------------
!The workpiece dialog has two methods for defining the workpiece dimensions
!The Distance allowance method is centered on the prodcut body.
!The Reference Point method is centered on the absolute cSYS or a specified point
!The variable difeines wich method will be defualt in the dialog.
! =0, Distance Allowance
! =1, Reference Point
MW_WorkPieceMethod: 0
!---------------- Mold Tools Associativity-------------------------------------
!The mold tools functions may be done associativly or non-associativly
!The MW_ToolsAllowNonAssociative option defines the default operation method.
! =0, associative as default
! =1, non-associative as default
MW_ToolsAllowNonAssociative: 0
!---------------- Mold Tools Tolerance ----------------------------------------
!The Mold Tools Tolerance variable specifies the modleing tolerance for the
!Mold Tools Patch function sheet trim, Enlarge face, and Traverse loop.
MW_ToolsTolerance: 0.025
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!--------------- Tools Box Allowance ------------------------------------------
!The Create Box function in Mold Tools uses a default offset value to make the
!box oversize for trimming. The MW_ToolsBoxAllowance specifies the oversize.
MW_ToolsBoxAllowance: 0.01
!--------------- Tools Enlarge Type -------------------------------------------
!The Enlarge Sheet Function has two types of enlarge option: Linear and Natural.
!The MW_ToolsEnlargeType specifies the type used by the Enlarge function.
!0: Linear
!1: Natural
MW_ToolsEnlargeType: 0
!--------------- Tools Enlarge Cut to Boundary ---------------------------------
!Set the Cut to Boundary option
!0: Cut to Boundary option check box is off by default
!1: Cut to Boundary option check box is on by default
MW_ToolsCutBoundary: 1
!--------------- Tools Enlarge Maximum Percentage Value -----------------------
!The Enlarge Sheet function uses four percentage scale bar to control four direction of
!U, V(min and max) values. The MW_ToolsEnlargeMaxValue specifies the default maximum scale value.
!It should be less than 2000.
MW_ToolsEnlargeMaxValue: 300
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!--------------- Edge Patch Mesh Surface ---------------------------------------
!If the Mold Tools Edge Patch function is not able to create a parting surface
!with one of the preferred methods, a mesh-surface may be created. In some cases
!the mesh surface will be acceptable, in others it will not. The MW_PartingMeshSurf
!option specifies if a mesh surface will be created or omitted.
! 0: Do not create mesh surface;
! 1: Create mesh surface if other methods fail.
MW_PartingMeshSurf: 1
!--------------- Mold Tools Feature Number ------------------------------------
!The MW_ToolsPatchFeatureNum: variable determines the maximumnumber of features
!allowed in the original product model to allow the feature patching option.
MW_ToolsPatchFeatureNum: 150
!--------------- Mold Tools Face Split Option ---------------------------------
!The MW_MoldToolsSplitSolidFaceOption: variable determines the default face
! split option in Split Solid function.
! 0: Solid, Sheet, Datum Plane is default option
! 1: Face split is default option
MW_MoldToolsSplitSolidFaceOption: 1
!--------------- Layout Option ------------------------------------------------
!The MW_LayoutTranslationAction: variable determines the default action of
!transform of mold cavity in layout function.
! 0: Move, Translates mold cavity(cavities) to new location without keeping original one(s)
! 1: Copy, Translates mold cavity(cavities) to new location with keeping original one(s)
MW_LayoutTranslationAction: 1
!The MW_LayoutRotationAction: variable determines the default action of
!rotate of mold cavity in layout function.
! 0: Move, Rotates mold cavity(cavities) to new location without keeping original one(s)
! 1: Copy, Rotates mold cavity(cavities) to new location with keeping original one(s)
MW_LayoutRotationAction: 1
---------------- Parting ------------------------------------------------------
!--------------- Parting Auto Edit --------------------------------------------
!The Auto Edit Parting function may be enabled and disabled by specifying the
!value of the MW_PartingAutoEdit variable.
! =0, Parting update is not activated when product model is changed
! =1, Parting update is activated when product model is changed
MW_PartingAutoEdit: 0
!-------------- Automated Parting ---------------------------------------------
!The automated parting process option may be toggled on or off by default.
!0= OFF
!1= ON
MW_PartingAutoProcess: 1
!------------- Color Traverse -------------------------------------------------
!The Color Traverse method for selecting parting lines may be turned on or off
by specifying the MW_PartingColorTraverse option value
! = 0, Color Traverse option off
! = 1, Color Traverse option on.
MW_PartingColorTraverse: 1
!------------- MW_PartingAssociateSwap -------------------------------------------------
!Set default option for associative swap on parting main UI.
! = 0, No associative swap as default
! = 1, Associative swap as default
MW_PartingAssociateSwap: 1
!------------ Parting Line Tolerance
!The MW_PartingLinesTolerance option sets the tolerance for finding parting lines
!(including positive & negative faces ), traverse loop, Isocline and split face.
MW_PartingLinesTolerance: 0.01
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!-------------- Parting Surface Tolerance ------------------------------------
!The MW_PartingSurfTolerance variable sets the modeling tolerance for
!Extrude surface, Bounded plane, Enlarge surface, Swept Surface, Bridge Surface
! and Trim sheet.
MW_PartingSurfTolerance: 0.01
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!------------- Core Cavity Tolerance -----------------------------------------
!The MW_PartingCoreCavityTolerance specifies the modeling tolerance for the
!cavity and core trim.
MW_PartingCoreCavityTolerance: 0.1
!Note: This value is metric and assumes the MW_DefaultsUnit: variable is set to Metric
!------------- Parting Region Type -------------------------------------------
!The MW_PartingRegionType variable specifies what geometry defines the parting
! MW_PartingRegionType=0, Cavity Only
! =1, Core Only
! =2, Both
! =3, Boundary Edges
MW_PartingRegionType: 3
!------------- Auto Trim for Cavity and Core ---------------------------------
!The MW_PartingCoreCavityAutoTrim option specifies if the Auto trim option will
!be toggled ON or OFF in the parting system.
MW_PartingCoreCavityAutoTrim: 1
!-------- Model Comparison ------------------------------------------------
!----------Model comparison color------------------------------------------
MW_PartingCompUnchangedFaces: Cyan
MW_PartingCompRemovedFaces: Blue
MW_PartingCompNewFaces: Magenta
!-------------- Object Layer and Color Settings ---------------------------------
!------------ Parting Object Layer Catagory --------------------------------
MW_PartingProdLayerName: ProductModel
MW_PartingLinesLayerName: PartingLine
MW_PartingCoreSurfLayerName: CoreSurface
MW_PartingCavitySurfLayerName: CavitySurface
MW_PartingPatchBodyLayerName: PatchBody
MW_PartingCoreLayerName: Core
MW_PartingCavityLayerName: Cavity
!------------ Parting Object Layer -----------------------------------------------
MW_PartingProdLayer: 1
MW_PartingLinesLayer: 26
MW_PartingCoreSurfLayer: 27
MW_PartingCavitySurfLayer: 28
MW_PartingPatchBodyLayer: 25
MW_PartingCoreLayer: 7
!------------ Parting Object Color -----------------------------------------------
! Color setting key:
! blue = 1
! green = 2
! cyan = 3
! red = 4
! magenta = 5
! yellow = 6
! white = 7
! olive = 8
! pink = 9
! brown = 10
! orange = 11
! purple = 12
! dark-red = 13
! aquamarine = 14
! gray = 15
MW_PartingProdColor: orange
MW_PartingSurfColor: yellow
MW_PartingPatchColor: white
MW_PartingLinesColor: green
MW_PartingTransitObjectColor: olive
MW_PartingCoreRegionColor: aquamarine
MW_PartingCavityRegionColor: cyan
MW_PartingKeepExistingRegions: 0
MW_PartingExtractPartingLines: 1
MW_PartingExtractRegion: 1
MW_PartingPatchSurfaceLayer: 250
!------------ Hidden Object Layer Catagory Name ---------------------------------
MW_HideObjectLayerName: HidenObject
!------------ Hidden Object Layer Number ----------------------------------------
MW_HideObjectLayer: 255
!------------ Datum Layer Catagory Name -----------------------------------------
MW_DatumLayerName: Datum
!------------ Datum Layer Number ------------------------------------------------
MW_DatumLayer: 100
!------------ Shrinkage ---------------------------------------------------------
MW_ShrinkBodyColor: olive
MW_ShrinkBodyLayerName: ShrinkBody
MW_ShrinkBodyLayer: 6
!------------ Work Piece --------------------------------------------------------
MW_WorkPieceLayerName: WorkPiece
MW_WorkPieceLayer: 20
! ------------- Standard Parts --------------------------------------------------
--------------- Standard Part Placement -----------------------------------------
!The MW_StandardPointConfirm variable specifies the placement interaction.
! =0, One step placement; select the placement point once when adding a standard part.
! =1, Two step placement; select point and confirm when adding a standard part.
MW_StandardPointConfirm: 0
!------------ User defined Stadard Part PARENT option list ----------------------
!Additional default parents may be specified for the Parent option menu in the
!Standard Parts option menu.
!The list values are attributes named in the components.
!The list format is: MW_StandardParent: <PART ATTRIBUTE 1>, <PART ATTRIBUTE 2>,...
!-------------- Default reference set option on UI ----------------------------
! The MW_StandardDefaultRefset variable specifies the reference set option
!that will be used by default in the standard parts dialog
! 0 -- TRUE refset
! 1 -- FALSE refset
! 2 -- BOTH refset
MW_StandardDefaultRefset: 0
!----------- View change during Standard Part PLANE position method -------------
!The MW_StandardPlaneView variable specifies if the view will be changed during
!placement of Standard Parts using the PLANE position method.
! = 0, The view will not be changed
! = 1, The view will be changed to the placement plane
MW_StandardPlaneView: 1
!----------- Associative Position method ----------------------------------------
!The MW_StandardAssociationPosition variable specifies if PLANE position is
! = 0, The PLANE position is not associative.
! = 1, The PLANE position is associative.
MW_StandardAssociationPosition: 1
!----------- Point Position method ----------------------------------------
!The MW_StandardAssociationPointPosition variable specifies if POINT position is
! = 0, The POINT position is not associative.
! = 1, The POINT position is associative.
MW_StandardAssociationPointPosition: 0
!----------- Installation Continuouse Option -----------------------------------
!The MW_StandardInstallPartContinuouse variable specifies standard parts will
!be installed as instance part or as new component with the ruled name continuously.
! = 0, Add instance of a component
! = 1, Add new component following name rules
MW_StandardInstallPartContinuouse: 0
!-------------- Set unblank status for multiple cavity instances ----------
!The MW_StandardAddInstanceBlank variable specifies that the first occurance of a
!cavity set will be unblanked during component placement when the displayed part
!shows multiple instances of a cavity set.
! 0 -- Not set unblank
! 1 -- Set unblank
MW_StandardAddInstanceBlank: 0
!----------- Position Increment Value----------------------------------------
!The MW_StandardPositionXIncrement variable specifies default drag increment value of X
!The MW_StandardPositionYIncrement variable specifies default drag increment value of Y
!They are set at standard part position dialog
MW_StandardPositionXIncrementMM: 1
MW_StandardPositionYIncrementMM: 1
MW_StandardPositionXIncrementIN: 0.0625
MW_StandardPositionYIncrementIN: 0.0625
!--------------- Moldbase Catalog Order ---------------------------
!The MW_MoldbaseCatalogOrder variable specifes the listing order
!of moldbases in the moldbase dialog.
! FUTABA FG (High Rigid), FUTABA S (High Rigid)
! MW_MoldbaseCatalogOrder: FUTABA S, FUTABA FG, LKM_PP, LKM_SG, LKM_TP
!--------------- Standard Catalog Order ---------------------------
!The MW_StandardCatalogOrder variable specifes the listing order
!of standard parts in the moldbase dialog.
! MW_StandardCatalogOrder: STRACK_MM, HASCO_MM, FUTABA_MM
!-------------------- Load Mixted Unit Standard Parts ---------------------------
!The MW_LOAD_MIXED_UNIT variable specifies if the standard part dialog will
!provide an option to allow selection of components from alternative units.
! 1: Display the alternative unit opton menu
! 0: Hide the alternative unit opton menu
! ------------ Ejector Pin Function------------------------------------------------------
!-------------Ejector Pin Fit Distance---------------------------------------------------
!The MW_EjectPinFit variable specifies the default distance for the ejector pin fit distance
!that is set during ejector pin trimming function
MW_EjectPinFit: 10.0
! Color setting key:
! blue = 1
! green = 2
! cyan = 3
! red = 4
! magenta = 5
! yellow = 6
! white = 7
! olive = 8
! pink = 9
! brown = 10
! orange = 11
! purple = 12
! dark-red = 13
! aquamarine = 14
! gray = 15
!-------------Ejector Pin Trim ---------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_EjectPinTrim variable specifies if the adjust ength method or sheet trim method
!will be used by default.
!=0 Adjust length method
!=1 Sheet trim method
!=2 Untrim
MW_EjectPinTrim: 1
! MW_TrimInforAttrName is used to define part attribute name for Mold Trim and Ejector Trim
! size information. The default is MW_STOCK_SIZE.
MW_TrimInforAttrName: MW_STOCK_SIZE
! ------------ Mold Trim ---------------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_MoldTrimFilterOption variable specifies whether the any component
!or component of prod children will be trimmed.
!=0 prod component
!=1 any component
MW_MoldTrimFilterOption: 0
! ------------ Ejector Pin Layers ------------------------------------------------------
MW_TrimPartCoreSurfLayer: 29
MW_TrimPartCavitySurfLayer: 30
MW_TrimPartCoreMoldSurfLayer: 31
MW_TrimPartCavityMoldSurfLayer: 32
MW_TrimPartUserInsertSurfLayer: 33
! ------------ Ejector Pin recommend Length---------------------------------------------------
!The MW_EjectPinRecommendLength variable specifies if its length is recommended when a ejector
!pin is added.
!=0 do not recommend ejector pin length while adding ejectors
!=1 recommend ejector pin length automatically
MW_EjectPinRecommendLength: 0
! ------------ Ejector Pin Save Instances---------------------------------------------------
!The MW_EjectPinSaveInstance variable provide default setting for toggle item "Save as Different Parts"
!on eject trim UI, which specifies whether to save the selected ejector pin instances!to different parts.
!=0 the toggle is checked off, not to save instances
!=1 the toggle is checked on, to save instances
MW_EjectPinSaveInstance: 1
!---------------- Sub-insert Layers and Colors -----------------------------------------
MW_InsertHeadColor: Cyan
MW_InsertHeadLayer: 165
MW_InsertColor: Orange
MW_InsertLayer: 175
MW_InsertLayerName: Subinsert
!---------------- Sub-insert functions--------------------------------------------------
!The MW_InsertMethod variable specifies which envelope method will be used by
!the Sub-insert module by default.
! =0 Create Insert by envelope method
! =1 Create Insert by standard part method
! =2 Provide dialog to select by envelope method or by standard part method
MW_InsertMethod: 1
!---------------- Gate Colors and Layers -----------------------------------------------
MW_GatePointColor: green
MW_GatePointLayer: 10
MW_GateSolidColor: yellow
MW_GateSolidLayer: 172
MW_GateComponentLayer: 170
!---------------- Gate Functions -------------------------------------------------------
!MW_GateReferenceDisplay variable specifies if the reference component menu will be
!shown in the gate dialog.
!=0, Do not display the reference part menu.
!=1, Display the reference part menu.
MW_GateReferenceDisplay: 0
!---------------- Runner Colors and Layers ---------------------------------------------
MW_RunnerGuideColor: Cyan
MW_RunnerGuideLayer: 171
MW_RunnerSolidColor: Yellow
MW_RunnerSolidLayer: 172
! ------------ Cooling -----------------------------------------------------------------
!MoldWizard provides two optional cooling module systems.
!Set the MW_CoolUserInterface value to enable the desired system(s).
!= 0, Use guide line method
!= 1, Use standard part method
!= 2, Provide dialog to select guide line or standard part method
MW_CoolUserInterface: 1
!------------ Cooling Layout -----------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_CoolingBalance variable specifies the default method for the guide line
!cooling module
! = 0, Balance
! = 1, Unbalance
MW_CoolingBalance: 0
!------------ Cooling Structure --------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_CoolingStructure varaible specifies the structure of the guide line cooling module.
!0=fixed structure
!1=flexible structure
MW_CoolingStructure: 0
!------------ Cooling Colors Layers ----------------------------------------------------
MW_CoolingChannelLayerName: cool_channel
MW_CoolingPathLayerName: cool_path
MW_CoolingChannelLayer: 180
MW_CoolingPathLayer: 181
MW_CoolingWavedFaceLayer: 182
MW_CoolingChannelColor: green
MW_CoolingPathColor: yellow
MW_CoolingWavedFaceColor: brown
!------------ Cooling Interference Checking---------------------------------------------
!The MW_CoolInterferenceCheck varaible defines the default control method
!=0, Don't do cooling interference check as default
!=1, Do cooling interference checking as default
MW_CoolInterferenceCheck: 0
!------------ set BAFFLE_AUTO Cooling Clearance --------------------------------------------------------
! Set BAFFLE_AUTO part clearance along axial and radial directory.
MW_CoolingBaffleAxialClearance: 15
MW_CoolingBaffleRadialClearance: 10
! ------------ Electrode -------------------------------------------------------------
!------------- Electrode Layer and Color ------------------------------------------------
MW_ElectrodeSolidColor: blue
MW_ElectrodeSolidLayer: 170
MW_ElectrodeCsysColor: yellow
MW_ElectrodeCsysLayer: 201
MW_ElectrodeRefPointColor: magenta
MW_ElectrodeRefPointLayer: 200
!------------ Electrode Functions
!The MW_ElectrodeMethod variable specifies wich method will be used to create
!electrode envelopes for electrodes.
!=0 Create Electrode by Envelope method
!=1 Create Electrode by Standard Part method
!=2 Provide dialog to select by Envelope method or by Standard Part method
MW_ElectrodeMethod: 1
!---------------- Pocket ---------------------------------------------------------------
!--------------- Thread Symbols --------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_Pocket_ThreadMethod variable specifies the method of thread symbols made by the
!pocket cutting function.
! Create thread symbol in pocket
! =0, Don't create thread symbol
! =1, Create Simplified Symbol Thread
! =2, Create Offset Face as Thread Symbol
MW_Pocket_ThreadMethod: 1
!--------------- Thread Parameters Method--------------------------------------------------------
!The MW_Pocket_ThreadParameters variable specifies the method of getting thread parameter made by the
!pocket cutting function.
! Method of Getting thread parameter in pocket
! =0, Default Settings:thread.form = "Unified",thread.callout= NULL. (do not use again.)
! =1, According to the value of the variable 'MW_Pocket_ThreadForm'
!--------------- Thread FORM -----------------------------
!The MW_Pocket_ThreadMethod variable specifies the form of thread symbols made by the
!pocket cutting function.
! Create thread form in pocket
! 0=Unified , Use Unified as thread form(for english thread)
! 1=Metric , Use Metric as thread form(for metric thread)
! 2=Unified or Metric , decided by the unit of the current project
!-------------- Thread Color -----------------------------------------------------------
MW_Pocket_ThreadOffsetColor: cyan
!---------------- Pocket Wave Link Associativity--------------------------------------
!The pocket may be done associativly or non-associativly
!The MW_Pocket_AllowNonAssociative option defines the default operation method.
! =0, associative as default
! =1, non-associative as default
MW_Pocket_AllowNonAssociative: 0
!---------------- Pocket Feature Expression Control ----------------------------------
!The pocket feature in target part may be suppressed by expression(supp_pock) control.
!The MW_Pocket_ExpressionSuppControl option defines the default control method.
!=0, No expression control
!=1, expression control
MW_Pocket_ExpressionSuppControl: 0
! Flag for creating views automatically
! true - create views
! false - do not create views
MW_Drawing_AutoViews: false
! Types of components for which visibility needs to be controlled
! Supported Types : Screw, Insert, Plate, Water, Electrode
! Names of the section views in the template
!------------- Casting Process Assistant Settings ------------
MW_CastingBodyBoxOffsetX1: 10.0
MW_CastingBodyBoxOffsetX2: 10.0
MW_CastingBodyBoxOffsetY1: 10.0
MW_CastingBodyBoxOffsetY2: 10.0
MW_CastingStepSheetToolLand: 5.0
MW_CastingStepSheetRadius: 5.0
MW_CastingRampAngle: 5.0
MW_CastingStepSheetCornerRadiusOption: 0
!--------------- View Manager XML file definition ------
Wizard_View_Manager: mw_view.xml
! Display name in view manger tree
! = 0, show description of each node
! = 1, show attribute name of each node
MW_View_Name_Set: 0
! View Manager dialog initial size ----
MW_View_Dlg_Width: 450
MW_View_Dlg_Height: 700
!--------------- Delete Files -------------------
! The following two items are for removing unused files module
! For removing unused files
! 1 -- List the suppressed part files in the list for removing.
! 0 -- Don't list the suppressed part files in the list for removing.
MW_Remove_Suppressed_Files: 1
! The files having the following attribute will not be listed in removing unused part tool.
MW_File_Delete_Exclude_Attr: |