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spaces : 1 #Number of spaces to add between fields
omitseq : no #Omit sequence numbers?
seqmax : 9999 #Max. sequence number
arcoutput : 0 #0 = IJK, 1 = R no sign, 2 = R signed neg. over 180
arctype : 2 #Arc center 1=abs, 2=St-Ctr, 3=Ctr-St, 4=unsigned inc.
breakarcs : 2 #Break arcs, 0 = no, 1 = quadrants, 2 = 180deg. max arcs
do_full_arc : 1 #Allow full circle output? 0=no, 1=yes
helix_arc : 1 #Support helix arc output, 0=no, 1=all planes, 2=XY plane only
compwarn : 1 #Warn if cutter comp applied on arc, 0=no, 1=yes
miscerror : 0 #Error out if Misc Values button is disabled, 0=no, 1=yes
maxrad : 999 #Maximum arc radius
hel_2100 : no #Acramatic 2100 style helical moves, 0=no, 1=yes
usecanned : yes #Use canned drilling cycles? Set to no for long output.
force_dpts : no #Force XY output on all drilling lines including cycle call?
haas_drill : 0 #Haas style peck drill, 0=no, 1=yes
wcstype : 2 #0 = G92 at start, 1 = G92 at toolchanges, 2 = G54, 3 = Off
force_wcs : yes #Force WCS output at every toolchange?
stagetool : 0 #0 = Do not pre-stage tools, 1 = Stage tools
tool_table : 1 #Tool table, 0=no, 1=yes, 2=Predator VCNC, 3=MetaCut View #
output_z : yes #Output Z Min and Z Max values (yes or no)
cool_zmove : yes #Coolant off with last move
use_pitch : 0 #0 = Use feed for tapping, 1 = Use pitch for tapping
tap_feed : 0 #0 = 2/1 (in/mm) decimal places, 1 = 4/3 (in/mm) decimal places
maxfeedpm : 500 #Limit for feed in inch/min
maxfeedpm_m : 10000 #Limit for feed in mm/min
use_gear : 0 #Output gear selection code, 0=no, 1=yes
max_speed : 10000 #Maximum spindle speed
min_speed : 50 #Minimum spindle speed
sextnc .NC #NC extension override
vmc : 1 #0 = Horizontal Machine, 1 = Vertical Mill
rot_on_x : 0 #Default Rotary Axis Orientation, See ques. 164.
#0 = Off, 1 = About X, 2 = About Y, 3 = About Z
rot_ccw_pos : 1 #Axis signed dir, 0 = CW positive, 1 = CCW positive
ret_on_indx : 1 #Machine home retract on rotary index moves, (0 = no, 1 = yes)
index : 0 #Use index positioning, 0 = Full Rotary, 1 = Index only
ctable : 5 #Degrees for each index step with indexing spindle
one_rev : 0 #Limit rotary indexing between 0 and 360? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
lock_codes : 0 #Use rotary axis unlock/lock M-Codes? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
use_frinv : 0 #Use Inverse Time Feedrates in 4 Axis, (0 = no, 1 = yes)
maxfrdeg : 2000 #Limit for feed in deg/min
maxfrinv : 999.99#Limit for feed inverse time
frc_cinit : 1 #Force C axis reset at toolchange
ctol : 225 #Tolerance in deg. before rev flag changes
ixtol : .01 #Tolerance in deg. for index error
frdegstp : 10 #Step limit for rotary feed in deg/min |