When creating a net surface from a set of curves that do not form an obvious rectangular mesh, it is important to understand that there may be several ways to construct the surface, and each way will produce a different surface. Such surfaces involve seams and poles. A seam is the surface boundary where the U or V parameter starts and ends and the surface meets itself smoothly. A pole is surface boundary that has collapsed to a point.
Example 1 - 4 along and 1 across
In this example, a Net surface will be constructed using 4 along chains (red, light blue, green, and gold) and 1 across chain (dark blue). This configuration will result in a surface with 1 seam and 1 pole. The pole exists where the 4 along chains meets at the center. The dark blue chain can be normally chained, but the others must be selected using the partial chaining method because they meet tangentially. |