基于TopSolid 的冲压件展开尺寸计算与成形性能分析
李慧敏1 , 江丙云2 , 郭伟刚1 , 李飞仙2
(1. 杭州职业技术学院模具研究所, 浙江杭州310018 ;2. 江苏大学模具技术研究所, 江苏镇江212013)
摘要:介绍了TopSolid 软件在冲压件展开尺寸计算和成形性能分析上的应用。以盒形件的展开计算与成形分析为例, 使用TopSolid 软件精确求解出冲压件展开形状、尺寸, 经与常用的4 种冲压件展开尺寸计算结果进行比较, 验证了基于TopSolid 的冲压件展开尺寸计算方法更方便、快捷, 提高了成形零件与成形模具的设计效率。
关键词: TopSolid ;冲压件;展开尺寸计算;成形性能
中图分类号: TG386. 1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001 - 2168(2009) 05 - 0028 - 04
TopSol id - based calculation of extended size and analysis of f orming properties of stamping part
L I Hui - mi n 1 , J IANG Bi ng - yun 2 , GUO Wei - gang 1 , L I Fei - xian 2
( 1. Ins titute of Die and Mould Technology , Hangzhou Vocational & Technical College ,Hangzhou , Zhejiang 310018 , China ; 2. Ins titute of Die and Mould Technology , J iang su University , Zhenjiang , J iangs u 212013 , China)
Abstract : The application of TopSolid softwa re in calculation of extended size of s tamping pa rts and analysis of forming p roperties was p resented. The extended form and size of a box-s haped s tamping pa rt were exactly solved based on TopSolid softwa re . The res ults were compa red with that f rom
other four commonly used calculation methods and it’ s indicated that the TopSolid technique is more convenient and fas t ; the efficiency of designing forming pa rts and forming dies was thus enhanced.
Key words : TopSolid ; s tamping pa rt ; calculation of extended size ; forming p roperties
本帖最后由 江冰韵 于 2009-6-15 10:51 编辑 |