1 From the Create Forces tool stack, select the Contact Force tool .
2 Create the sphere-to-plane contact forces as follows:
Tip: Select the appropriate plane markers, as shown in Figure 7 on page 137.
Contact Name: .model_1.Contact_6
Type: Sphere to Plane
Sphere: .model_1.PART_5.ELLIPSOID_1
Plane Marker: .model_1.VACUUM.SURF_MAR_1
Force Display: On First Part
3 Create the contact array as follows:
In the Create Contact Force dialog box, right-click the Contact Array text box, point to
contact_array, and then select Create.
Fill in the dialog box as follows:
Contact Array Name: Contact_Array_2
Stiffness: (1.0E+04(newton/mm))
Force Exponent: 1.5
Damping: (100.0(newton-sec/mm))
Penetration Depth: (0.1mm)
Static Friction: Coefficient: 0.6
Static Friction: Slip Velocity: (100(mm/sec))
Dynamic Friction: Coefficient: 0.5
Dynamic Friction: Transition Velocity: (200(mm/sec))