The Fplot C-Hook is a function plotting utility that draws equations and can create corresponding geometry (points, lines, splines, parametric surfaces, or NURBS surfaces). The equations are entered using basic algebraic notation. The files for this C-Hook include:
To use the Fplot C-Hook, you must create an EQN file that contains the equations. This file can be created with any text editor, such as Notepad. You can also enter an equation into the prompt area. The Fplot C-Hook reads the EQN file and performs the functions listed in the file.
The following functions and constants are available:
(x)  arentheses
-x Unary minus
x^y Exponentiation
x*y Multiplication
x/y Division
x+y Addition
x-y Subtraction
abs (x) Absolute value
sqrt (x) Square root
sin (x) Sine
cos (x) Cosine
tan (x) Tangent
asin (x) Arc sine
acos (x) Arc cosine
atan (x) Arc tangent
exp (x) e^x
ln (x) Natural log
log (x) Log base 10
pi 3.141592653589793
e 2.718281828459045
When you run the Fplot C-Hook, the Fplot menu displays to give you the following options. Click on the menu below for more information.
To use the Fplot C-hook |