11# hust65 谢谢,论坛上的段代码,能不能帮看下错在哪
int UsrCreateSheet()
ProError status;
ProDrawing drawing;
int sheet;
ProSolid solid;
ProVector pos,outpos;
ProView view, pview;
ProVector outline[2];
ProMatrix matrix,inv_matrix,tem_matrix;
ProName w_size;
ProMdlType type = PRO_PART;
wchar_t wname[PRO_LINE_SIZE];
//char fname[30] = "sheets.txt";
//FILE *fp=fopen(fname, "w");
Create a new sheet and make it current
status = ProMdlCurrentGet((ProMdl)&drawing);
ProDrawingSheetCreate(drawing, &sheet);
ProDrawingCurrentSheetSet(drawing, sheet);
Add a solid to the drawing
ProDrawingSolidAdd(drawing, solid);
Create a general view from the Z axis direction
ProUtilMatrixCopy(NULL, matrix);
pos[0] = 200.0;
pos[1] = 600.0;
pos[2] = 0.0;
ProDrawingSheetTrfGet (drawing, 1, w_size, matrix);
ProPntTrfEval (pos, inv_matrix, outpos);
status=ProDrawingGeneralviewCreate(drawing, solid, sheet, PRO_B_FALSE,
outpos, 0.5, matrix, &view);
Get the position and size of the new view
ProDrawingViewOutlineGet(drawing, view, outline);
Create a projected view to the right of the general view
pos[0] = outline[1][0] + (outline[1][0] - outline[0][0]);
pos[1] = (outline[0][1] + outline[1][1]) / 2.0;
pos[2] = 0.0;
ProDrawingProjectedviewCreate(drawing, view, PRO_B_FALSE, pos,
Create a projected view below the general view
pos[0] = (outline[0][0] + outline[1][0]) / 2.0;
pos[1] = outline[0][1] - (outline[1][1] - outline[0][1]);
ProDrawingProjectedviewCreate(drawing, view, PRO_B_FALSE, pos,
本帖最后由 hyccai 于 2011-6-1 12:28 编辑 |