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[分享] Solid Edge ST3发布补丁MP6

发表于 2011-6-18 18:45:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Solid Edge ST3发布补丁MP6

Dear Solid Edge Customer:

We are pleased to inform you that Maintenance Pack 6 (MP6) for Solid Edge ST3 is now available for download on the GTAC FTP server.

This Maintenance Pack addresses issues reported by Solid Edge customers. We appreciate your participation in the software support process - - your reporting helps us make Solid Edge more productive for the way you do business.


The Solid Edge Team


Download Location:


Solid Edge (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Insight Connect (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Viewer (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Mold Tooling (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Insight Server WSS 3.0 (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Insight Server SharePoint Foundation 2010 (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Embedded Client (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Embedded Client Structure Editor (Maintenance Pack)

Solid Edge Embedded Client Administrator (full install)




After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location like c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to.


E-mail Notification:


To receive direct e-mail notification for new Solid Edge Update or Maintenance Packs, subscribe to the SFBmail notification. To initiate your subscription, navigate to: https://support.ugs.com/general/email.shtml for the web interface. Or send an e-mail message (message and subject line should be blank) to: sfbmail-subscribe@ugs.com


This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:



PR 6525375: BalloonDisplayedText showing symbols instead of display values

PR 1845612: API method SeekWriteAccess doesn't work properly in ST3


PR 1819823: Cannot import STEP files

PR 6482973: Assembly relation tree in ST3 obscuring selected parts

PR 6524547: SESysInfo reporting negative memory value for graphic cards w/2GB or more onboard memory

PR 6530354: crash after editing connect relation

PR 6530975: Check interference doesn't consider weld features when selecting subassembly

PR 6532294: Relation Tree not showing document icon

PR 1822686: JT file will open in Traditional but will not open in Synchronous

PR 1828686: Missing parent for sketches in an assembly are not reported

PR 6425708: Reference plane not hidden after exit of Assemble command

PR 6468554: Missing files after import of a X_T file

PR 6489805: When using Publish Virtual/Publish SE aborts

PR 6533309: Abort when adding assembly relationships

PR 6534186: Rotating an assembly causes assigned textures to change color during rotation

PR 1828736: Long beam is not cut to C channel profile (frame module)

PR 1845357: seCATIAV5.exe crashes

PR 1849144: Unable to finish tube placement on German OS

PR 6443468: Batch translators are not generating output

PR 6484486: Cannot export Solid Edge files to STEP

PR 6534753: Application Display settings will now properly detect the new Intel HD Onboard driver

PR 2169599: A fully constrained assembly becomes under-defined on flipping to rigid from adjustable

PR 6471511: Unable to Translate Inventor Assemblies with Data Migration tool

PR 6535868: List Control tab options are enabled with 'use assembly item numbers' is on

PR 6541886: Crash at: OccurrenceNode::GetSite

PR 6550314: Crash when activating assembly parts via the pathfinder


PR 1844982: "check config" on drawing view properties was not working

PR 1846422: Parts list quantity is incorrect when using assembly item numbers

PR 6458478: SE crash occurred while inserting image in draft document (Workflow specific)

PR 6484441: Reference dimensions have extra brackets when exported

PR 6531106: Fixed crash identified by crashlog at: HGetQuantityOverrideFromOccurrence

PR 1819327: dxf_Export is not including some crosshatching

PR 1822869: rotating the contents of a draft file causes Solid Edge to crash

PR 1823915: Cutting plane lines are missing in exported AutoCAD DWG file

PR 1830725: Parts list has an asterisk next to the item number

PR 1833156: the drawing view "show fill" option not honored

PR 1836348: It's necessary to click twice on Break Line option in the Callout command bar

PR 1843290: Symbols not placing correctly when Inserted as Geometry

PR 1847031: Geometry in a 2D Model view cannot be moved/copied, huge file size

PR 2165599: Can't maintain separate grid settings when two draft documents are open

PR 2165638: Existing Solid Edge draft template issue in windows 7

PR 2166696: Dimension tracker copy to clipboard is not working

PR 2168599: View not being refreshed after activating hidden layer

PR 6419394: Opening of 2000/2002 DWG file does translate any geometry

PR 6438019: Trim Corner selection is picking the wrong line

PR 6487857: DV tracker update instructions were incorrect for part copy

PR 6529930: Detail View Caption can't be moved correctly if envelope is an ellipse

PR 1826475: Selection mode remains active after balloon number change

PR 1817696: Embedded Objects are exported to DXF in the wrong position

PR 1824327: Fill Text with Background color rectangle position incorrect

PR 1832830: Seacad "template file" is empty if you don't go through seacad option steps

PR 1833975: Attempting to open a dgn file aborts if the look in button is selected

PR 1840830: DV caption is exported to layer "0"

PR 1842175: Cutting plane line cannot be selected with "Active Layer Only" option

PR 1847435: Tab key function for upper and lower Tolerance needs to be sequential

PR 2167888: Right Justified callout text is scrambled in .dwg

PR 2169063: Starting location of offset thread not displayed with solid line

PR 6511394: Prefix copier doesn't copy the tolerance type correctly for Class tolerance

PR 6535524: Parts list does not honor property text formatting codes

PR 6536661: Parts list reverses order each update if renumber and sort by item descending

PR 1684703: Sketch in a section view was not sectioned properly

PR 1823726: Text placed in rotated drawing views is lost after SEtoAcad translation

PR 6541869: Crash at: JDimChainAngular:isconnect

===Insight/View & Markup===

PR 1842460: Cache Manager does not work

PR 1846854: Assembly doesn't open - No error message

PR 6461727: Search not finding Custom Properties

PR 6332833: Insight Web parts: The Viewer MP's are not getting pushed to IE clients.

PR 6399126: Insight connect crash occurred while saving PCF file (Workflow specific)

PR 1845749: Calculated Columns will not sync anymore

PR 1835210: MP info not shown in View & Markup/Help About on 64bit computers

PR 1835727: Incorrect characters in SEWebParts on Insight MP3

PR 1840719: Error Message when copying Excel Docs within a Asm Structure in RevMan

PR 1846854: Assembly doesn't open - No error message

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===

PR 1783293: File open dialog is slow to show large folders

PR 1844377: PartCopy from an assy will only work if the assembly is also opened

PR 6522205: Abort at JUnitsOfMeasure::~JUnitsOfMeasure

PR 6524170: tangent relate failing when the elements did not share an edge

PR 1823155: changing the value of a round using all available memory which results in a crash

PR 1843475: Flat pattern from mirror is different from original

PR 1845013: Hole Feature will not cut through the part

PR 1842597: Ribbon bar added by custom add-in is not customizable

PR 6534273: Sync threaded hole problem when using saved settings

PR 1847811: Ctrl+A (select all) in Profile environment also deletes synchronous body

PR 2170648: Selecting User-Defined Sets causes an abort

PR 6441781: Binder names not all converted to Unicode, yielding garbled display

PR 6522975: Crash when performing an undo of a move to sync

PR 6532739: Crash at: JMostRecentFiles::Add is at top of the stack trace

PR 6537877: Sync Pattern does not create all occurrences

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===

PR 1800213: Smart Codes form is locking up when saving a new file

PR 1834093: Wrong dataset name is used in ST2

PR 1837961: Automatic update of linked NX part does not work correctly

PR 1838542: Revise non-default dataset names are renamed to default.

PR 6528853: Couple issues with assemblies and missing components in SE & replace part

PR 6495119: SaveAs of a FOP master and select no to copy links copies the links anyway

PR 1844966: Time to drag and drop & open from the Edgebar takes too long

PR 1845018: SEEC Create in Place does not show default values of mapped properties in CPD

PR 6482635: Unable to Save As FOP member in Structure Editor

PR 6484834: CPD is not renaming the Item Revision properly for the Dataset Name

PR 6448444: Structure Editor is not displaying assigned LOV when creating New

PR 6530136: AddToTeamcenter is clearing Document Number value during Dry Run

PR 1844966: Time to drag and drop & open from the Edgebar takes too long

PR 1847283: NULL Attribute Values not honored

PR 6492500: Save As behavior in SEEC behaves differently to Save As behavior in SESE
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发表于 2011-6-18 19:04:41 | 只看该作者
玩一下神秘。想看下载地址? 方法如下:

发表于 2011-6-19 13:25:54 | 只看该作者
这么快就MP6了 大哥
发表于 2011-6-19 13:26:27 | 只看该作者
全洋文 不懂
发表于 2011-6-19 13:50:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-20 21:55:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-5-15 14:20:07 | 只看该作者
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