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利用AutoCAD R14将文字输出成DXB格式
启动AutoCAD R14
Command: config(打开设定打印机面板,这一步设定打印机)
Maximum horizontal (X) plot size in drawing units <11.0000>: (设定最大水平出图尺寸,直接点“回车”即可)
Plotter steps per drawing unit <1000.0000>: (设精确值,直接点“回车”即可)
Maximum vertical (Y) plot size in drawing units <8.5000>: (设定最大垂直出图尺寸,直接点“回车”即可)
Plot optimization level = 1
Sizes are in Inches and the style is landscape
Plot origin is at (0.00,0.00)
Plotting area is 11.00 wide by 8.50 high (MAX size)
Plot is NOT rotated
Area fill will NOT be adjusted for pen width
Hidden lines will NOT be removed
Plot will be scaled to fit available area
Do you want to change anything? (No/Yes/File) <N>: (直接点“回车”即可)
返回到打印机设置面板,可以看到在面板中生成了一个新的配置文件:“AutoCAD DXB File”,点选。点击“Set Current”键,将其设成当前使用状态。
Command: cmddia(设为“0”,将对话框关闭,设为“1”即是打开。)
New value for CMDDIA <1>: 0
Command: plot
What to plot -- Display, Extents, Limits, View, or Window <D>: W(设定选择打印范围)
First corner: Other corner: (框选要输出的文字)
Plot device is AutoCAD DXB file format (pre 4.1) - by Autodesk, Inc
Description: AutoCAD DXB file
Plot optimization level = 1
Sizes are in Inches and the style is landscape
Plot origin is at (0.00,0.00)
Plotting area is 11.00 wide by 8.50 high (MAX size)
Plot is NOT rotated
Area fill will NOT be adjusted for pen width
Hidden lines will NOT be removed
Plot will be scaled to fit available area
0. No changes, proceed to Plot
1. Merge partial configuration from .pcp file
2. Replace configuration from .pc2 file
3. Save partial configuration as .pcp file
4. Save configuration as .pc2 file
5. Detailed plot configuration
Enter choice, 0-5 <0>: (直接点“回车”)
Use automatic spooling? <N> (直接点“回车”,在弹出的对话框中输入文件名)
Effective plotting area: 11.00 wide by 8.15 high
Plot complete.
至此,DXB格式文件输出完成。 |