The following pages will describe in some detail the new features within AutoCAD 2005. The
document is organized in the categories of Managing, Creating, and Sharing, beginning with the
concept and functionality of the new Sheet Set Manager. Why do we introduce Sheet Set
Manager at the outset? You will see that many of the new Creating features in AutoCAD 2005
provide immediate benefits to the user; however, some have even more impact and leverage
when used within the Sheet Set Manager. We structured the document to illustrate the best
possible utilization of the features in AutoCAD 2005. As an example, the Sheet Index can be
created simply as a table, but when linked with the Sheet Set Manager, it has the power to work
across the entire set of documents.
What Is a Sheet Set?
A sheet set is usually a primary, legally binding deliverable item to communicate project
information. In most cases, you present or deliver designs to clients and other stakeholders
many times during a project. Your design presentations and deliverables are typically an
organized set of bound drawing sheets that systematically specify a design.
Although you can organize a sheet set as a series of layouts in a DWG file, you might find that
this method of organization prohibits members of your project team from simultaneously editing
different layouts. You might also find that working with more than a handful of layouts is difficult
because of the many layout tabs. For these reasons, you probably create your sheets as
individual drawings and then organize them by grouping them into folders and assigning
appropriate files names. If this describes the way you work, the Sheet Set Manager can help you
more efficiently create, manage, and share sheet sets.
Sheet sets in AutoCAD 2005 comprise several elements that work together to help you produce
your final design deliverable. The AutoCAD 2005 Sheet Set Manager helps you organize your
drawing sheets into subsets that represent different types of drawings. The benefits of sheet set
management include the ability to
[$#8226] View, sort, delete, create, and manage your sheets all in one place
[$#8226] Use simple right-click operations to reduce the steps to publish all drawing sheets
[$#8226] Create layout views automatically
[$#8226] Automate sheet number and detail labeling
[$#8226] Link sheet set information into title blocks and plot stamps
[$#8226] Perform tasks across a sheet set (for example, eTransmit, plotting, publish to DWF)
Implementing the AutoCAD 2005 sheet set concept is simple using the Sheet Set Manager. As
you begin, you can work the same way that you work in AutoCAD 2004 and then gradually take
advantage of the sheet set functionality. You can use your current drawings and organizational
structure to create an AutoCAD 2005 sheet set.
Using the Sheet Set Manager, you can manage sheets, views, and models in a sheet set. It
displays all drawing sheets and sheet subsets to help you better organize, plot, and link
information in your drawings. You can see who currently has drawings open for editing and which
drawings are available.
You can access the Sheet Set Manager using several methods, including typing SSM at the
command line or choosing Open Sheet Set from the File menu. |