- ' ******************************************************************************
- ' autodraw.swp - By PYCZT, Copyright 2016-2018 writed on 06/28/16
- ' Notes: Templatesfile must be in same directory as macro file 注意:工程图6+4.DRWDOT模板文件与宏文件同目录
- '条件:当前开启零件或装配图
- '结果:自动建立带有6个标准视图和4个轴测视图的工程图文件,并保存和另存为同名加后缀6+4的DWG文件
- '如在模型图中更新前视视图,则得到理想的主视图,得到理想的DWG
- '******************************************************************************
- Dim swApp As Object
- Dim swModel As Object
- Dim swDraw As Object
- Dim swModelName As String
- Dim Templatesfile As String
- Dim boolstatus As Boolean
- Dim swView As Object
- Dim vOutline() As Variant
- Dim vPos() As Variant
- Dim nNumView As Long
- Dim box(3) As Single
- Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
- Sub main()
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
- swModelName = swModel.GetPathName '读取当前SW模型文档名(含路径)
- Templatesfile = swApp.GetCurrentMacroPathName ' Get macro path+filename 取得宏路径和名称
- Templatesfile = Left$(Templatesfile, Len(Templatesfile) - 12) + "工程图6+4.DRWDOT" ' Set Templates file name 设工程图模板名称
- Set swDraw = swApp.NewDocument(Templatesfile, 0, 0, 0) '以模板建立工程图
- boolstatus = swDraw.InsertModelInPredefinedView(swModelName) '在工程图中插入当前的模型
- '四个轴测图取消对齐关系(重新定位)
- boolstatus = swDraw.ActivateView("工程图视图7")
- boolstatus = swDraw.Extension.SelectByID2("工程图视图7", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
- Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject5(1)
- boolstatus = swView.RemoveAlignment
- boolstatus = swDraw.ActivateView("工程图视图8")
- boolstatus = swDraw.Extension.SelectByID2("工程图视图8", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
- Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject5(1)
- boolstatus = swView.RemoveAlignment
- boolstatus = swDraw.ActivateView("工程图视图9")
- boolstatus = swDraw.Extension.SelectByID2("工程图视图9", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
- Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject5(1)
- boolstatus = swView.RemoveAlignment
- boolstatus = swDraw.Extension.SelectByID2("工程图视图10", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
- Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject5(1)
- boolstatus = swView.RemoveAlignment
- swDraw.ClearSelection2 True
- 'Drawing views are repositioned so that none of them overlap.以下重新定位视图以免重叠
- nNumView = 0
- Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView
- Do While Not swView Is Nothing
- ReDim Preserve vOutline(nNumView)
- ReDim Preserve vPos(nNumView)
- vOutline(nNumView) = swView.GetOutline
- vPos(nNumView) = swView.Position
- Debug.Print "View = " + swView.GetName2
- Debug.Print " Pos = (" & vPos(nNumView)(0) * 1000# & ", " & vPos(nNumView)(1) * 1000# & ") mm"
- Debug.Print " Min = (" & vOutline(nNumView)(0) * 1000# & ", " & vOutline(nNumView)(1) * 1000# & ") mm"
- Debug.Print " Max = (" & vOutline(nNumView)(2) * 1000# & ", " & vOutline(nNumView)(3) * 1000# & ") mm"
- nNumView = nNumView + 1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- Loop
- ' sheet 图纸1
- Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView
- ' View 1 工程图视图1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- 'View 2 - vertically aligned to view 1 工程图视图2 (俯视图)垂直对齐于工程图视图1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(2)(1) = vPos(1)(1) - (vPos(1)(1) - vOutline(1)(1)) - (vOutline(2)(3) - vPos(2)(1)) 'Y座标修改
- swView.Position = vPos(2)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vPos(2) = swView.Position
- vOutline(2) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 3 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图3 (左视图)水平对齐于工程图视图1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(3)(0) = vPos(1)(0) + (vOutline(1)(2) - vPos(1)(0)) + (vPos(3)(0) - vOutline(3)(0)) 'X座标修改
- swView.Position = vPos(3)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vPos(3) = swView.Position
- vOutline(3) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 4 - vertically aligned to view 1 工程图视图4 (仰视图)垂直对齐于工程图视图1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(4)(1) = vPos(1)(1) + (vOutline(1)(3) - vPos(1)(1)) + (vPos(4)(1) - vOutline(4)(1)) 'Y座标修改
- swView.Position = vPos(4)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vPos(4) = swView.Position
- vOutline(4) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 5 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图5 (右视图)水平对齐于工程图视图1
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(5)(0) = vPos(1)(0) - (vPos(1)(0) - vOutline(1)(0)) - (vOutline(5)(2) - vPos(5)(0)) 'X座标修改
- swView.Position = vPos(5)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vPos(5) = swView.Position
- vOutline(5) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 6 - horizontally aligned to view 3 工程图视图3 (后视图)水平对齐于工程图视图3
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(6)(0) = vPos(3)(0) + (vOutline(3)(2) - vPos(3)(0)) + (vPos(6)(0) - vOutline(6)(0)) 'X座标修改
- swView.Position = vPos(6)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vOutline(6) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 7 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图7 (左下轴测视图)
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(7)(0) = vPos(1)(0) + (vOutline(1)(2) - vPos(1)(0)) + (vPos(7)(0) - vOutline(7)(0)) 'X座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- vPos(7)(1) = vPos(1)(1) - (vPos(1)(1) - vOutline(1)(1)) - (vOutline(7)(3) - vPos(7)(1)) 'Y座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- swView.Position = vPos(7)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vOutline(7) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 8 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图8 (右下轴测视图)
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(8)(0) = vPos(1)(0) - (vPos(1)(0) - vOutline(1)(0)) - (vOutline(8)(2) - vPos(8)(0)) 'X座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- vPos(8)(1) = vPos(1)(1) - (vPos(1)(1) - vOutline(1)(1)) - (vOutline(8)(3) - vPos(8)(1)) 'Y座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- swView.Position = vPos(8)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vOutline(8) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 9 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图7 (左上轴测视图)
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(9)(0) = vPos(1)(0) + (vOutline(1)(2) - vPos(1)(0)) + (vPos(9)(0) - vOutline(9)(0)) 'X座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- vPos(9)(1) = vPos(1)(1) + (vOutline(1)(3) - vPos(1)(1)) + (vPos(9)(1) - vOutline(9)(1)) 'Y座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- swView.Position = vPos(9)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vOutline(9) = swView.GetOutline
- 'View 10 - horizontally aligned to view 1 工程图视图8 (右上轴测视图)
- Set swView = swView.GetNextView
- vPos(10)(0) = vPos(1)(0) - (vPos(1)(0) - vOutline(1)(0)) - (vOutline(10)(2) - vPos(10)(0)) 'X座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- vPos(10)(1) = vPos(1)(1) + (vOutline(1)(3) - vPos(1)(1)) + (vPos(10)(1) - vOutline(10)(1)) 'Y座标修改相对于工程图视图1
- swView.Position = vPos(10)
- swDraw.GraphicsRedraw2
- vOutline(10) = swView.GetOutline
- swDraw.ViewZoomtofit2
- swDraw.ClearSelection2 (True)
- '以下删除视图中产生的中心线
- box(0) = vOutline(8)(0)
- If vOutline(5)(0) < box(0) Then box(0) = vOutline(5)(0)
- If vOutline(10)(0) < box(0) Then box(0) = vOutline(10)(0)
- box(1) = vOutline(8)(1)
- If vOutline(2)(1) < box(1) Then box(1) = vOutline(2)(1)
- If vOutline(7)(1) < box(1) Then box(1) = vOutline(7)(1)
- box(2) = vOutline(9)(2)
- If vOutline(6)(2) > box(2) Then box(2) = vOutline(6)(2)
- If vOutline(7)(2) > box(2) Then box(2) = vOutline(7)(2)
- box(3) = vOutline(9)(3)
- If vOutline(4)(3) > box(3) Then box(3) = vOutline(4)(3)
- If vOutline(10)(3) > box(3) Then box(3) = vOutline(10)(3)
- boolstatus = swApp.SetSelectionFilter(swSelCENTERLINES, True) '过滤选择中心线
- boolstatus = swDraw.ActivateSheet("图纸1")
- boolstatus = swDraw.Extension.SketchBoxSelect(box(0), box(1), "0.000000", box(2), box(3), "0.000000") '框选
- swDraw.EditDelete '删除中心线
- boolstatus = swApp.SetSelectionFilter(swSelCENTERLINES, False) '取消过滤选择中心线
- swModelName = Left(swModelName, Len(swModelName) - 7) + "(6+4).slddrw" '定义工程图名
- longstatus = swDraw.SaveAs3(swModelName, 0, 0) '存为工程图文件
- swModelName = Left(swModelName, Len(swModelName) - 6) + "dwg" '定义工程图名
- longstatus = swDraw.SaveAs3(swModelName, 0, 0) '存为DWG文件
- End Sub