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2011-7-26 12:14| 查看: 53667| 评论: 0|原作者: 德国EOS|来自: 德国EOS

摘要: EOSINT M systems manufacture solid metal parts by locally melting and resolidifying metal powder using a focussed laser beam, layer by layer, to build up the desired geometry fully automatically from ...
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The examples presented above are just a small selection from the very wide range of tooling applications which have already been published by EOSINT M users. Other documented tooling applications include for example vulcanization, wax injection for casting patterns, extrusion, thermofoam moulding, die casting, thixomoulding, sheet metal forming and stamping, glass forging and paper injection moulding. Also many other applications and methods of applying the technology can be considered. With the expansion in recent years from Rapid Tooling into series production tooling and advanced tooling, DMLS has established itself as a very versatile production method to complement traditional methods like CNC machining and EDM. Its ability to produce a wide range of geometries, including extremely intricate forms which are difficult to produce conventionally, rapidly and with very low effort, gives it unique advantages which have been driving the increase in the usage and acceptance of DirectTool.

[1] F. Choblet, B. Le Razer: DMLS activities at PEP – France tooling applications. In: EOS International User Meeting, Fuschlsee, 14-16th May, 2007.
[2] R. Mayer: Lasergenerativ hergestellte Großserienwerkzeuge aus MS1. In: EOS International User Meeting, Fuschlsee, 14-16th May, 2007.
[3] J. Tenbusch: EOS Metal Technology and Rapid Tooling. In: EOS International User Meeting, Fuschlsee, 14-16th May, 2007.
[4] M. Shellabear, O. Nyrhilä: Advances in materials and properties of direct metal laser-sintered parts. In: 5th LANE, 25-28th September, 2007, Erlangen.

About the authors

Dr. Mike Shellabear graduated in mechanical engineering at Loughborough University of Technology, England, where he also gained his Ph.D in vibration analysis using laser interferometry. In 1991 he joined EOS, Germany, as Engineering Manager for 3D Optical Metrology, later taking over responsibility as Market DevelOPMent Manager and then Assistant to the Management Board. Following that, he was appointed Product Manager for the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and became its Vice President in 2006. He has more than 15 years of experience in the Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing industry.

Joseph Weilhammer, studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität München, Germany, where he did his diploma thesis about post-processing methods for DMLS tools and parts for EOS GmbH. In 1996 he joined EOS and worked there in the development department for Metal-Laser-Sintering. Then he changed to Application department and in 2007 he became Product Manager for the Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology. He has more than 12 years of experience in the Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing industry.







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