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2011-8-17 10:01| 查看: 48232| 评论: 0|原作者: 吴逸群、李志豪|来自: 科盛科技

摘要: 空调设备目前已经成为人们生活中的必需品。在空调设备需求变得越来越多的同时,模具 厂商为 了提高市场竞争力,往往设法提高生产工艺,以期望用好的产品质量与低单价打动客户;但以平板壳 类件而言,注塑成型面临的问 ...
摘 要
空调设备目前已经成为人们生活中的必需品。在空调设备需求变得越来越多的同时,模具 厂商为 了提高市场竞争力,往往设法提高生产工艺,以期望用好的产品质量与低单价打动客户;但以平板壳 类件而言,注塑成型面临的问题与挑战也不在少数。由于空调设备的外壳组件都比较大,考虑到成本 问题,肉厚大都介于 2~3mm 之间,同时考虑到产品本身的强度,所以大部份都有添加高比例的纤维(Fiber)。虽然模具 厂商在面对注塑大件产品时,可藉由过去的相关经验来预防或解决产品成型后的 变形与翘曲问题;但是塑料配方中如果含有纤维(fiber)补强,注塑件产品的充填流动与翘曲问题就 会更加复杂,产品在含有纤维和未含纤维的情况下,变形趋势有可能会完全不同;对于较大型注塑件 而言,纤维往往是引起产品变形的最主要因素。所以当很多客户都不愿意去改动产品及材料的时候, 流道设计及水路设计优化为主要关键因素;本文所探讨即针对含纤维的壳类平板件产品时,藉由 CAE 模流分析结果了解纤维对产品的变形影响,从而找出合适的设计方案,以降低模具开模时,因重复更 改流道设计与水路设计而不断修模的情况,从而达到减少实际试模次数,降低成本,改善产品质量的 目的。

关键词: 射出成型、平板件、变形、降低成本、改善质量。

As air conditioners have become necessities in our life nowadays, people request higher quality with lower prices. To increase marketing competitiveness, production technology improvement is one of the common approaches to provide better quality and cheaper price to customers. However, due to the shell design characteristics of the plastic covers used in air conditioners, challenges during molding process become more and more troublesome. In this study, the cover of air conditioner is taken as an example. Its dimensions are generally designed larger than the others, so the thickness must be set around 2~3 mm and a composite material with high percentage of glass fiber is chosen for the strength of cover part. Though material with fiber contributes a lot for the structure reinforcement, it induces more complicated warpage problem as well. Without revision of part design and material change, the optimization of runner and cooling system are the key methods to solve warpage problem. We implement CAE software, Moldex3D, to simulate fiber effect on warpage, revise runner and cooling system, and investigate the revised design. It shows an optimal product molding process can be gained to save the time and cost for trial mold and get quality improvement.
Keyword: Injection molding, warpage, fiber effect.


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