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Moldex Support is horrible!

发表于 2005-4-15 13:35:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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My company brought Moldex3D directl from Taiwan, we were invited to Taiwan for training, infact it was not really training, it is sort of briding us by giving us a chance to tour in Taiwan. After which, a lot of problem happaned. Our local agent and even Taiwan principle can not provide good support. The software itself also has many bugs. Our company spend the money but can not get the right software. We have to out source for "Moldflow" service. It is a very very bad experience to us. Taiwanese alway like to blow big about their product! Don't believe what they say!
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发表于 2005-4-15 14:55:03 | 只看该作者
上面的兄弟请留email给我,如果您的软件是我们这里出去的,我们将负责后续的专业支持,如果有软件的问题请直接发email 给我们,也许您的问题没有得到及时回答,我们表示抱歉,但我相信有些问题是可以解决的,请给贵公司所购买moldex的硬体key number.。以及一些您发现的bug,因为taiwan方面最近又推出新的sp6,meshsp3可以解决以前的一些bug可能您没收到。
发表于 2005-4-16 09:45:04 | 只看该作者
1) I do not know what is your relation with Moldex3D principle, in the first place, don't you think it is right for you to mention about Moldex in "Moldflow" discussion forum. What is your intention behind? Trying to promote Moldex?  
2) If you are working for or representing  Moldex principle, you know well yourself, Moldex principle engaged part time university under graduates for software support and servicing, these graduates themself have problem using or understanding the software, how can they provide good support? Furthermore, the kernel of the software has many discrepency and bugs, I think Moldex principle is making use their clients as geninnepig to evaluate the kernel, it is more like a prototype program than commercial product. But we are paying the commercial value to own a prototype software!
3)Put aside all these, when Moldex principle select agent to promote thier product, they should seriously consider the quality of their agent. to let you know that the agent we deal with is only a one man show company, though it is a Japanese company. The agent know nothing about polymer flow analysis, how can he provides support? If Moldex principle select such agent, might as well engage some foreign maids or labours to represent thier product. They are much more cheaper! But then, we will have to suspect the quality of the software!
If everyone can contact direct to principle, why in the first place, Moldex appoint lousy agent?
4)Sorry if I sound to hush, but my boss and I are really regret to have purchsed Moldex3D we know about all these details.  
For the software quality and technology ,sad to say,Moldex still far more behind "Moldlow"!  
We are, another geninnepig!
发表于 2005-4-18 09:08:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-4-19 08:48:35 | 只看该作者
1)Brother, please pay some respect to this forum, this is a " Moldflow" discussion forum, dont' try to use any strategies to promote your "Moldex". Spend more time to evaluate and check your "Moldex", maybe in 10 or 20 years time, Moldex can match with "Moldflow"!
2)Do you know the relation of "Cae mould" "SimpoE" and "Moldex". Need me to mention more? Check it out before you ask me whether I know about polymer flow analysis.  
3)Come to think of it, my boss and I contributed a lot in the R&D of Moldex, especially in the cooling and warpage module. We still have the program to convert "Moldflow" material to "Moldex" 's format. I would say it is a very smart way of converting other's effort into "Moldex"'s property. At least "Moldex" doesn't have to do polymer material testing. But then again, how accurate can "Moldex" convert the format, we are really in doubt!
发表于 2005-4-20 17:36:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-4-21 13:09:00 | 只看该作者
I like you, you are such a funny guy!
1) I asked you to hang around some where else and to pay respect to "Moldflow" discussion forum, you said "我之所以在moldflow,是因为moldflow这个名字不错(模具-流动)", don't you know "Moldflow" is a brand name of a famous polymer flow analysis software. Come on, cut the clad and play elsewhere.
2)Who want to crack "Moldex"? it is not worth to spend the time to crack a prototype software.
3)Talk about the name change from "Moldex" to "Moldex3D", reason is simple, "Moldex" failed in the R&D of "Stl mesh" program after spending almost 2 years in it. So, Moldex has to tell another story by forcing itself into 3D, just to bull ***  it's technology is better than "Moldflow". Tell me frankly, if you use "3D mesh" for analysis in "MOldex", how many times it give you endless loop with no result, need me to show you some comparison between "Moldflow MMA" and " Moldex3D", put aside the time spend in preparation of 3D mesh under Rhino3D, the calculation of MMA is much more faster than Moldex3D, and user doesn't need to prepare any 3D meshes at all. Talking about result, MMA is much more realistic. I would say if using 3D mesh in Moldex3d, migh as well make a prototype mold and carry out actual mold testing, the time spend is not much different.
4)Face the fact, not only Moldex has 3D, many other software also has 3D, even your competitor in Taiwan also has 3D. Please go and update your knowledge in polymer flow and make improvement of your software before you talk about "3D".  
5)Among all the polymer flow analysis software, "Moldflow" is still the number one! Those agreed with me, please 顶一顶吧.同胞们!
6)Moldex3D and SimpoE are just "Babies" compare to "Moldflow". Talking about price and performance, Simpoe is able to do the same thing as Moldex3D. But why dirve a bicycle if we have a chance to drive a Ferrai(Moldflow). And futhermore, Moldeflow is not as expensive at all!
发表于 2005-4-22 15:42:36 | 只看该作者
我不是问你crack moldex,你的首段话是说你和老板曾买过moldex,可是moldex的正版都是由硬体锁(key)和相应授权码,硬体锁是有编号的,如果你没有,又为什么来冒充moldex的客户呢,无非想攻击一下moldex3d吧,
不过要用到moldex3dR7.0,sp6,rhino3.0 moldex3dmesh,sp3
发表于 2005-4-22 17:05:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-4-23 08:23:37 | 只看该作者
Wclow is right. This is a Moldflow discussion forum, don't try to promote any other software here. I support Wclow!


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