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B04-CAE 技术整合异型水路设计于改善模具热平衡与冷却周期

2011-8-16 11:14| 查看: 54835| 评论: 0|来自: 科盛科技

摘要: 模具热平衡问题一直以来是塑料射出成型的一项重点考虑因素,因为其牵涉到熔胶的流动性、收缩率、冷却周期和产品表面质量。然而冷却周期更是业界所在乎的一项数据,因为其影响到产品的量产值及业者的成本。为了改善模 ...
CAE 技术整合异型水路设计于改善模具热平衡与冷却周期
The integration of CAE and conformal cooling design on improving thermal balance of mold and cooling cycle
何志忠,  林秀春,  王维达
Alvin Ho, Alice Lin, Marvin Wang
CoreTech System (Moldex3D) Co., Ltd

模具热平衡问题一直以来是塑料射出成型的一项重点考虑因素,因为其牵涉到熔胶的流动性、收缩率、冷却周期和产品表面质量。然而冷却周期更是业界所在乎的一项数据,因为其影响到产品的量产值及业者的成本。为了改善模具热平衡问题,便产生了异型水路这项技 术。异型水路的特性有别于传统水路受限于加工上的限制,采取雷射金属粉末烧结技术,可 以不受传统加工上的限制,所以更能贴进产品轮廓。针对一般产品的死角或是容易积热之区 域,异型水路能提供良好的散热效率,使冷却周期得以降低。本文以一模一穴传统水路的设 计,使用 CAE 模流分析的方式,预测易发生热点之范围。在相同的模具设计内,将传统水路 的设计更替成异型水路,以期在热点的问题上获得改善。藉由 CAE 模拟分析的方式可以帮助 了解适当的水路摆放位置与预测冷却周期所需的时间,并可以做为设计异型水路的评估工 具。


Thermal balance of molds has always been the priority consideration of plastic injection molding because it is involved with melt flow, shrinkage, cycle time and surface quality. Out of all these factors, cycle time is concerned most in industry due to its influence on product output and cost. In order to improve the thermal balance of molds, conformal cooling technology is developed. Because of unique Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology, conformal cooling design is much closer to the cavity, which makes the most difference from the one in traditional cooling design. Conformal cooling can provide a better effective thermal conductivity for part design corner or areas with easy thermal accumulation, so the cycle time can be reduced. In this paper, it demonstrates a one cavity mold design with traditional cooling system, using the CAE simulation to predict the range of hot-spot in product. Later, it replaces the traditional cooling design with the conformal cooling design to generate improvements of hot-spot reduction.  Using the CAE method, it assists us to understand the appropriate placement and predict the cycle time requirement for cooling, as the conformal cooling design tool. By implementing the CAE method, it assists us to understand the appropriate placement, predict the cycle time requirement for cooling and to act as the conformal cooling design tool.

Keyword: Stamping die design, Rapid maintenance, Punch, Bush, Slide.



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