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B08-应用模流分析与场协同理论探讨小尺寸 IC 封装之充填平衡

2011-8-16 14:53| 查看: 45595| 评论: 0|原作者: 张旭铭、杨耀升、郑志清、陈宏宾、萧乃仁|来自: 科盛科技

摘要: 应用 CAE 技术于小尺寸 IC 封装模拟已发展多年,然而如何在几何限制下,有效预测封装时的融 胶流动行为仍为业界一大挑战。本研究利用模流分析软件 Moldex3D R9.1 搭配场协同理论,进行小尺 寸 IC 封装制程之流动评估 ...
1. Introduction

Molding process is a well known technology to "mold" the products for a long time. No matter thermoplastic or thermoset materials, it reduce the defect of warpage, wire sweep, void and residue pressure. But, due to the limitation of package design and process parameters, it is difficult to get an optimized solution to the real manufacturing condition. A CAE software is then become the proposal to provide a better solution.

2. Review

Chang[1-5] used field synergy principle to find the optimized comfort of air condition and optimized injection gate of IC package cc mode   molding. Nguyen [6] discussed wire sweep while molding. Tay [7-8] simulated IC geometry impacts on wire sweep. Han [9-10] proposed the research of wire sweep related to encapsulation of semiconductor chips. In our study, we analyze flow balance in small size package by simulation analysis by filed synergy principle with Moldex 3D software.

3. Fundamental Theory

For injection flow, neglect polymer fluid incompressibility, the incompressible flow continuity equation can be shown as follows:



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