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B08-应用模流分析与场协同理论探讨小尺寸 IC 封装之充填平衡

2011-8-16 14:53| 查看: 45603| 评论: 0|原作者: 张旭铭、杨耀升、郑志清、陈宏宾、萧乃仁|来自: 科盛科技

摘要: 应用 CAE 技术于小尺寸 IC 封装模拟已发展多年,然而如何在几何限制下,有效预测封装时的融 胶流动行为仍为业界一大挑战。本研究利用模流分析软件 Moldex3D R9.1 搭配场协同理论,进行小尺 寸 IC 封装制程之流动评估 ...
5. Runner Design
First, we used material PLASKON_SMT-B-1LV (epoxy resin) shown in Table 1, the dimension size of IC product is: 122mmx45mmx3mm, width is 0.4 mm. There are three types of filling; one foot injection, two feet injection and three feet injection. Filling conditions : filling time: 6sec, melt temperature: 80℃, mold temperature: 80℃ and packing time: 5sec.

6. Results and Discussion
Figures 1-3 show the IC design for one foot, two feet and three feet. Because, in this study, we want to compare the filling balance by field synergy principle. Figure 4 shows average field synergy angle in section I, the angle is 113.575 for one foot. Figure 5 shows average field synergy angle in section I, the angle is 107.144 for two feet. Figure 6 shows average field synergy angle in section I, the angle is 95.24 for three feet. We can find the lowest average field synergy angle in section I is three feet of filling gates and with better balance of filling. It is concluded that three feet filling of IC package molding is a better design in this study. Figure 7 shows average field synergy angle in section II, the angle is 104.225 for three feet. Average field synergy angle in section II is larger than the angle in section I, because the temperature of melt front
becomes cooler and is not as hot as the beginning of filling. Figure 8 shows IC molding product of three feet. It is clear that molding is smooth and without inner wire sweep happening.


Figure 1 the IC design (One foot) appears          Figure 2 the IC design (Two feet) appears

Figure 3 the IC design (Three feet) appears



(a)                                                                                 (b)
Figure 4 average field synergy angle of section I:113.575 (One foot)


(a)                                                                      (b)
Figure 5 average field synergy angle of section I:107.144 (Two feet)

(a)                                                                           (b)

Figure 6 average field synergy angle of section I:95.24 (Three feet)



Figure 7 average field synergy angle of section II:104.225 (Three feet)

Figure 8 IC molding product of Three feet



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