To create a body taper follow these general steps:
From the Body Taper dialog choose either the Edge or Face creation method.
Specify the objects for the various selection steps.
In the case of undercut tapers, you don’t need to specify a parting entity.
To create tapers using highest reference point select the Highest Reference Point option.
For double-sided tapers, based on the method of taper creation, specify two sets of edges (one on either side of the parting) or faces to be tapered. If you specify edges, they should satisfy the following constraints: they should not cross the parting; they should either be connected end to end or they should be such that the taper surfaces created from the edges can be trimmed by the body.
The same Body Taper dialog is used for both creation and edit. However, when you are making modifications, you can only change the angle of draw or the match option, or switch between double-sided taper and highest reference point taper. To modify the selected objects use the Redefine Feature in the Model Navigator.
Why should I use it?
Use body taper features to prepare the concept part for molding and casting. These types of tapers have significance from the manufacturing process perspective and as such are best used after the concept part has been prepared.
Where do I find it?
Creation: Modeling-> Insert-> Feature Operation-> Body Taper
Edit: Modeling-> Edit-> Feature-> Parameters
The edit dialog is also accessible through MB3 on the feature in the Model Navigator. This feature also supports redefine (rollback edit), accessed through MB3 on the feature in the Model navigator. |